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Updated: August 9, 2024

The first is the best and most comprehensive treatment of the new Russia which has emerged from the revolutionary period, and gives one not merely the political but also the social and artistic aspect. The other book is lightly and entertainingly written. STEPHEN GRAHAM. Undiscovered Russia. 1911. 12s. 6d. net. STEPHEN GRAHAM. Changing Russia. 1913. 7s. 6d. net.

Unfortunately, however, I soon saw that even at that, if I wrote in the paper all the year round, I could not bring up my yearly income from this source to more than 320 kroner of our money, about I7l. 12s. 6d. in English money; so that, without a University bursary, I should have come badly off, and even with it was not rolling in riches. Very careful management was necessary.

The amount of taxation which the country had to endure may be judged when I state that for a house rented at forty pounds per annum the following were the taxes levied upon its occupier: Window tax, 11 pounds 4s. 6d.; inhabited house duty, 2 pounds 18s. 6.; land tax, 1 pounds 16s.; highway and church rates, 2 pounds 13s. 9d.; poor rates, 18 pounds; making a total to be paid of 36 pounds 12s. 9d.! The failure of the harvest that year added also to the general distress so that the nation might have been said to have been on the very eve of bankruptcy.

I have not valued this farm particularly at 400l. a year more, but I felt that the farm was worth 400l. a year more than I had let it at. You have said that at the time the Commissioners valued it, you believe they proceeded on the idea that wheat was worth 12s. a bushel? No, I do not know what calculation the Commissioners made; they were three eminent surveyors.

In proof of that startling episode in the restaurant routine, he produced the desk book for that day behold it, the entry: Number 5 1 Moet & Chandon, 12s. 6d. "It is of a rare thing our customers call for wine so expensive," said the polite manager. "Light wines, you understand, sir, we mostly sell. Champagne at twelve and six an event!"

With regard to deep bogs, his testimony was as follows: "The expense of reclaiming deep bogs per acre may be estimated thus: Drainage of an English acre, in the most perfect way, about £1 4s., which is about 40s. the Irish acre; that includes the under drain: the levelling and digging comes to about £1 10s.; and afterwards the claying comes to about £6 12s. per statute acre."

"To passage in schooner of 4 Passengers from New England at 12s. £ 2 8 0 Freight of 9 Heiffers at 12s. 5 8 0 Club of Cyder for 5 men at 13s. 6d. each 3 7 6 5 Tons of Hay for cattle on passage 10 0 0 Freight of sheep 3 6 0 Several of these books are now in my possession.

But here was W. Batelier and his sister in a borrowed coach by themselves, and I took them and we to the lodge; and at the door did give them a syllabub, and other things, cost me 12s., and pretty merry. And so back to the coaches, and there till the evening, and then home, leaving Mr. Sheres at St.

"After drinking brandy so long I hardly think that 12s. claret will agree with my stomach. You ask for the truth, and there it is, very plainly." "Plain enough!" "You asked, you know." "And I am glad to have been told, even though that which you tell me is not pleasant hearing. When a man has been drinking too much brandy, it may be well that he should be put on a course of 12s. claret."

The approximate value of £1000 nominal of the Compulsory Loan stock would be, according to "Ex-M.P.'s" calculation, in the year of issue £7 12s., money being worth 5 per cent. and assuming that rate to be current during the remainder of the term.

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