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But in Matth. xiii. 10-15, Jesus is made confidentially to avow precisely the opposite reason, viz. that he desires the vulgar not to understand him, but only the select few to whom he gives private explanations. I confess I believe the Evangelist rather than the modern Divine. I cannot conceive how so strange a notion could ever have possessed the companions of Jesus, if it had not been true.

And whosoever will not acknowledge their iniquity, and be ashamed for it, God shall make them bear their shame; according to that which is pronounced in the next chapter, ver. 10-15, against the Levites, who had gone astray when Israel went astray after their idols; and according to that, Mal. ii. 8, 9, “Ye have corrupted the covenant of Levi, saith the Lord of hosts: therefore have I also made you contemptible and base before all the people.”

And then we have another of our Saviour's parables in which he taught this same lesson of humility, and that is the parable of the Pharisee and the Publican. We find it in St. Luke xviii: 10-15. The parable reads thus: "Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican.

He often renews it in the generations to come as to Isaac, Gen. 26:1-5, and to Jacob, Gen. 28:10-15. The Character of Abraham. How great is the name of Abraham today! In all history there is not a nobler character. The story of his life shows him to have been shrewd in business, of good temper, of warm domestic affections and possessed of much calm wisdom.

Normally you try to catch a croc by throwing a sort of a small anchor in and when the croc latches on to it you try and pull it out. Once it is out, about 10-15 people quickly jump and sit on it. With its mouth bound by rubber bands, the croc is then rolled onto a ladder, bound to it, lifted and carried to the pit that it has to be transferred to.

The preparation of an approximately tenth-normal solution of the reagent may be carried out as follows: PROCEDURE. Dissolve about 3.25 grams of potassium permanganate crystals in approximately 1000 cc. of distilled water in a large beaker, or casserole. Heat slowly and when the crystals have dissolved, boil the solution for 10-15 minutes.

The census of 1911 showed that during the decade 1901-10 the numbers of married females per 1000 of ages 0-5 years rose from 13 to 14; of ages 5-10 from 102 to 105; of 10-15 from 423 to 430, and of 15-20 from 770 to 800.

Which practice, as it declares this church homologators of Erastianism, so is directly opposite to Presbyterian principles, the discipline and practice of our reformed church of Scotland, and to the laws of Christ, the supreme lawgiver, Ezek. xliv, 10-15; 2 Cor. vi, 17, 18, &c.

The very little folks here closed their part of the performance with a "Harvest Song," in which they had been well drilled. Then the older classes arose and recited selected portions of Scripture in unison, class by class. Eunice Mountjoy's class gave "The harvest feast." Deut. xvi, 13-15. Etta Mountjoy's class: "The harvest fruits are the gift of God." Psalms cxv, 10-15.

Add 10-15 drops of carbolic acid to one quart of warm water and use as a vaginal douche. Keep bowels open. Furnish light, nourishing diet, and give tonics. Treatment: Keep feet warm and give injections to the bowels of lobelia, lady slipper, and skullcap. Rub the abdomen with liniment. Absolute quiet, above all else, will bring relief. Treatment: Complete rest.