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Perhaps one reason why so much has been inscribed to me is the fact that as an interpreting artist, I have never cultivated a 'specialty. I have played everything from Bach to Debussy, for real art should be international!" Ysaye himself has an almost marvelous right-arm and fingerboard control, which enables him to produce at will the finest and most subtle tonal nuances in all bowings.

"When there are all the autumn exhibitions, and Ysaye playing in the afternoon! Not to mention people." "The truth is, I am a little tired. First came the wedding, and then Paul went off, and, instead of resting yesterday, I paid a round of calls." "A wedding?" "Yes; Charles, my elder son, is married." "Indeed!"

Well, I played the Guarnerius at rehearsal, and when it was over, every one said to me, 'Why, what is the matter with your fiddle? When I brought back the violins to Ysaye I mentioned the circumstance to him, and he was so surprised and interested that he took them from the cases and played a bit, first on one, then on the other, a number of times.

Oh, no! Oh, no! Not this trip." "Easy there, my festive fiddler. Easy there, and loan me your ear. I'll arrange that all right. You will be announced as a pupil of the great Ysaye, and of course, being a pupil of that wonderful magician of the violin, you must start in with a classical selection from one of those old masters. Which of them there's no use wasting time over.

Out of the individuals, we built our types we constructed our Belgian soldier, out of the hundreds who had told us of their work and home. "You must have met so many you never came to know their stories." It was the opposite. Paul Collaer, who played beautifully; Gilson, the mystic; Henri of Liège; the son of Ysaye, they were all clear to us.

He possesses the inexplicable and inexpressible something which takes cold judgment off its feet and leads criticism captive. Ysaye was born at Liège in 1858, and, after studying at the conservatories of his native town under his father and at Brussels, entered that of Paris, where he completed the course in 1881, and immediately afterward started on a series of concert tours.

I have only recently discovered that Ysaye my life-long friend has written some wonderful original compositions: a Poème élégiaque, a Chant d'hiver, an Extase and a ms. trio for two violins and alto that is marvelous.

He is regarded by musicians as one of the greatest violinists who ever visited America, and at the present day visiting artists are spoken of as "one of the best since Wilhelmj," or, "not to be compared with Wilhelmj," and by many Ysaye is regarded as "the best since Wilhelmj."

Mannes spoke of his work with Heinrich de Ahna, Karl Halir and Eugène Ysaye. "When I came to de Ahna in Berlin, I was, unfortunately, not yet ready for him, and so did not get much benefit from his instruction. In the case of Halir, to whom I went later, I was in much better shape to take advantage of what he could give me, and profited accordingly.

Ysaye used to roar with laughter when I would tell him how, when a boy of fifteen, I played the Beethoven concerto for Sevčik a work which I myself felt and knew it was then out of the question for me to play with artistic maturity the latter's only criticisms on my performance were that one or two notes were a little too high, and a certain passage not quite clear.