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Thick, a vivid green, its five tendrils ran between her fingers, stretching out five flowered heads that gleamed like blossoms cut from gigantic, glowing rubies. So she stood contemplating Yolara.

The girl cast herself weeping at the feet of the priestess; the youth regarded her curiously. "You are Songar of the Lower Waters?" murmured Yolara almost caressingly. "And this is your daughter and her lover?" The gnome nodded, the flame in his eyes leaping higher. "It has come to me that you three have dared blaspheme the Shining One, its priestess, and its Voice," went on Yolara smoothly.

There was a vicious hiss from Lugur; but Yolara regarded Larry with eyes now all tender blue. "You please me," she whispered. And the face of Lugur grew darker. We turned to go. The rosy, azure-shot globe at her side suddenly dulled. From it came a faint bell sound as of chimes far away. She bent over it.

Ho, you Lugur " and cursed him and Yolara and the Dweller hideously I cannot set those curses down here. They spurred Lugur. Mad now as the Norseman, the red dwarf sprang. Olaf struck a blow that would have killed an ordinary man, but Lugur only grunted, swept in, and seized him about the waist; one mighty arm began to creep up toward Huldricksson's throat.

The shell carried us straight back to the house of Yolara. Larry was awaiting me. We stood again before the tenebrous wall where first we had faced the priestess and the Voice. And as we stood, again the portal appeared with all its disconcerting, magical abruptness. But now the scene was changed.

While the frog-men, those late levies from the farthest forests, were clearing bridge and ledge of cavern of the litter of the dead, we listened to a leader of the ladala. They had risen, even as the messenger had promised Rador. Fierce had been the struggle in the gardened city by the silver waters with those Lugur and Yolara had left behind to garrison it.

But God! If we could find that trick out and take it back with us!" "Not so, Larree!" Yolara gasped, through her laughter. "Not so! Goodwin's cry betrayed you!"

Around the jet table were grouped a number of figures Lugur, Yolara beside him; seven others all of them fair-haired and all men save one who sat at the left of the priestess an old, old woman, how old I could not tell, her face bearing traces of beauty that must once have been as great as Yolara's own, but now ravaged, in some way awesome; through its ruins the fearful, malicious gaiety shining out like a spirit of joy held within a corpse!

I heard Yolara scream. What was that? Between the three of us and them was a ring of curdled moon flames, swirling about the Shining One and its priestess, pressing in upon them, enfolding them! And within it I glimpsed the faces of the Three implacable, sorrowful, filled with a supernal power!

And this they did by their harpings, and by words spoken words of power, O Yolara, that have their power still and by pipings and by slaying sounds. "There was Cravetheen who played swift flames from his harp, flying flames that ate those they were sent against.