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"Decide quickly!" There was cold threat in her voice. The curtains toward which O'Keefe had slowly, step by step, drawn close, opened. They framed the handmaiden! The face of Yolara changed to that gorgon mask that had transformed it once before at sight of the Golden Girl. In her blind rage she forgot to cast the occulting veil.

"Now listen well for I, Yolara, give you three things myself, and the Shining One, and the power that is the Shining One's yea, and still a fourth thing that is all three power over all upon that world from whence you came! These, my lord, ye shall have. I swear it" she turned toward the altar uplifted her arms "by Siya and by Siyana, and by the flame, by the water, and by the light!"

"By the rites of Siya and Siyana, Yolara takes their son for her mate!" And again her hand stole down possessingly, serpent soft, to the drunken head of the O'Keefe. The curtains parted widely. Through them filed, two by two, twelve hooded figures clad in flowing robes of the green one sees in forest vistas of opening buds of dawning spring.

I made a mighty movement to escape; was held more firmly and then close to the face of Larry, flashing out with that terrifying instantaneousness even as had his, was the head of Yolara, as devilishly mocking as I had ever seen it, the cruelty shining through it like delicate white flames from hell and beautiful! "Stir not! Strike not until I command!"

The glowing shadow vanished, the sparkling atoms were still for a moment and shot away, joining those dancing others. Where the gnomelike form had been but a few seconds before there was nothing! O'Keefe drew a long breath, and I was sensible of a prickling along my scalp. Yolara leaned toward us. "You have seen," she said. Her eyes lingered tigerishly upon Olaf's pallid face.

"Now is no time, Yolara, for one's own desires. This is my counsel. At the end of the three tal Lakla will come for our answer. Your men will be in ambush and they will slay her and her escort quickly with the Keth. But not till that is done must the three be slain and then quickly. With Lakla dead we shall go forth to the Silent Ones and I promise you that I will find the way to destroy them!"

Since I have turned to the old gods it has been made clear to me that I shall slay Lugur and that the Heks, the evil witch Yolara, shall also die. But I would talk with the white maiden." "All right," said Larry, "but just don't be afraid of what you don't understand.

"Nay, Yolara, nay; you shall be accompanied," said Lakla; "and by those who will guard and watch you well. They are here even now." The hangings parted, and into the chamber came Olaf and Rador. The priestess met the fierce hatred and contempt in the eyes of the Norseman and for the first time lost her bravado. "Let not him go with me," she gasped her eyes searched the floor frantically.

She raised the glass to her lips, handed it to him. Half-smiling, half-abstractedly, he took it, touched his own lips where hers had kissed; drained it. A nod from Yolara and the maid refilled his goblet. At once there was a swift transformation in the Irishman. His abstraction vanished; the sternness fled; his eyes sparkled. He leaned caressingly toward Yolara; whispered.

"Go that you and Yolara and your Shining One may die together! Death for you, Lugur death for you all! Remember Lugur death!" There was a great noise within my head no matter, Lakla was here Lakla here but too late Lugur had outplayed us; moss death nor dragon worm had frightened him away he had crept back to trap us Lakla had come too late Larry was dead Larry!