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Don Gaspar shouted and leaped from his saddle; but before the warning had reached the others, a riata from the hand of one of the men had fallen with deadly accuracy around Yank's arms and body, jerking him violently from the saddle. The thrower whirled his horse to drag his victim, Don Gaspar fired, and by great good luck shot the animal through the brain.

Yank's headlight would not haunt me again that trip. I fell asleep, but woke again when the train stopped, probably at Vandalia. I had just begun to doze again when our engine let out a frightful scream for brakes. I knew what that meant, Hubbard was behind us. I let my shade go up, and saw the light of the freight train shining past me and lighting up the water-tank.

I'll go down an' get Phipps out if nobody else has. Then I'll be back along up this way and tell the boys that you're here." "You say this Yank's a young man?" "'Bout twenty, I'd say." "How many of them were there that stole the train?" "The stories are all different. Some say five and some say fifty. Can't tell. Well, I'll see you later." Tom swung over the edge of the embankment and dropped.

Two of the three months demanded by Dr. Rankin had passed. Yank's leg had been taken from the splint, and, by invoking the aid of stout canes, he succeeded in shifting around. But the trail to town was as yet too rough for him. Therefore a number of us were in the habit of spending our early evenings with him. We sat around the door, and smoked innumerable pipes, and talked sixty to the minute.

As far as I could see they did not in the slightest degree differ except in dress from any of the other thirty or forty from that section, but Johnny distinguished. He stiffened as though Yank's gunbarrel had taken the place of his spine whenever one of these men was near; and he was so coldly and pointedly courteous that I would have slapped his confounded face if he had acted so to me.

Although we had been somewhat doubtful as to the advisability of spending this sum, I am bound to state that Yank's insistence was justified. It certainly made the work easier. We took turns shovelling the earth and pouring in the water, and "rocking the baby." Our production jumped two or three ounces a day.

"Doc was sitting in his hammock playing 'Dixie, soft and low and out of tune, on his flute. I interrupted him at 'Look away! look away! and shook his hand for five minutes. "'I never thought, says Doc, taking a chew fretfully, 'that I'd ever try to save any blame Yank's life. But, Mr. O'Keefe, I don't see but what you are entitled to be considered part human, anyhow.