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At Ponsonby's corner a jaded white flagon H. halted and four tallhatted white flagons halted behind him, E.L.Y'S, while outriders pranced past and carriages. Opposite Pigott's music warerooms Mr Denis J Maginni, professor of dancing &c, gaily apparelled, gravely walked, outpassed by a viceroy and unobserved.

By a flight of steps cut in the banks we ascended to the platform above the river on which Mr. Y's house stood. It was a large, rough-looking, log building, surrounded by barns and sheds of the same primitive material.

"I can add with the use of my fingers and subtract and divide and multiply at least I know the tables up through the twelves. Of what use will a's and b's and x's, y's and z's ever be to me?" "Constance, you know that's nonsense," Bobby told her.

One German machine has been destroyed and two driven down, but "one of ours has failed to return." When you return and land, you are not so contented as usual to be back. There will be two vacant places at dinner, and there is a nasty job to be done. You will have to write rather a painful letter to Y's fiancée.

It seemed almost criminal to purchase any article of luxury, such as tea and sugar, while a debt remained unpaid. The Y's were very pressing for the thirty pounds that we owed them for the clearing; but they had such a firm reliance upon the honour of my husband, that, poor and pressed for money as they were, they never sued us.

I liked it but I never dared to venture on the name." "And since then," said Mr. Gay, "the names of the heroes and heroines in magazine-stories are really astonishing. The favorite letter, now is 'Y. They have 'y's' in the most unexpected places. Such names as 'Vivian' and 'Willis, for instance. They spell them 'Vyvyan' and 'Wyllys'" The meal over, the company dispersed through the woods.

November passed on, and as all our firewood had to be chopped by old Jenny during the lameness of my husband, I was truly grateful to God for the continued mildness of the weather. On the 4th of December that great day of the outbreak Moodie was determined to take advantage of the open state of the lake to carry a large grist up to Y's mill.

At the time we visited his place, he was driving a thriving trade, and all the wheat that was grown in the neighbourhood was brought by water to be ground at Y's mill. He had lost his wife a few years after coming to the country; but his two daughters, Betty and Norah, were excellent housewives, and amply supplied her loss.

I am relieved to hear you have chosen such a reliable man as Crewe with his literary gifts to be the only person to read your autobiography. My visit to Glen in R y's company was October, 1880, when you were sixteen.

I only reserved the sum of two dollars a month, to pay a little lad to chop wood for us. After a time, I began to think the Y's were gifted with second-sight; for I never received a money-letter, but the very next day I was sure to see some of the family. Such an application was like a gleam of light springing up in the darkness; it seemed to promise the dawning of a brighter day.