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"But I ask your forgiveness, for I assure you that when I invited your father up from Woodthorpe I had no idea whatever of what those assassins intended." "Benton is already under arrest for another affair," broke in The Sparrow quietly. "I heard so from London yesterday." "Ah! And I hope that Howell will also be punished for his crime," the handsome woman cried.

"Then your father was murdered eh?" exclaimed the elder man. "Most certainly he was. And that woman is aware of the whole circumstances and of the identity of the assassin." "How do you know that?" "By a letter I afterwards opened one that had been addressed to him at Woodthorpe in his absence.

And as you cannot yet reach Woodthorpe and your father's fortune, except by marrying Louise which you don't intend to do what are you going to do now?" "First, I intend that this woman they call 'Mademoiselle of Monte Carlo, the lucky woman who is a decoy of the Administration of the Bains de Mer, shall tell me the true circumstance of my father's death.

As for Hugh, he is now happily married to Dorise, and as the Probate Court has decided that Woodthorpe and the substantial income are his, he is enjoying all his father's wealth. Yvonne Ferad is still Mademoiselle of Monte Carlo. She still lives on the hill in the picturesque Villa Amette, and is still known to the habitues of the Rooms as Mademoiselle of Monte Carlo.

In that bald official narrative which is docketed under the heading "No. 23489/263 Henfrey" there is no mention of the love affair between Dorise Ranscomb and Hugh Henfrey of Woodthorpe.

Then, turning to Hugh, Mademoiselle said almost in her natural tone, though slightly high-pitched and nervous: "Benton, the blackguard, was your father's friend at Woodthorpe.

One day, about two months later Howell happened to be in London, and presumably they decided that the plot was ripe for execution, for they asked me to write to Mr. Henfrey at Woodthorpe, and suggest that he should come to London, have an early supper with us, and go to a big charity ball at the Albert Hall. In due course I received a wire from Mr.

"Woodthorpe." The particulars of that meeting are thus given: "Mr Timothy Curtis, the Governor of the Bank of England, came forward to move a vote of thanks to the late Sheriffs, Sir George Carrol and Sir Moses Montefiore, for the dignity, splendour, humanity, and hospitality with which they had distinguished themselves in the high situation to which they had been chosen by the unanimous voice of their fellow-citizens.

A. M Talbot Mr. Jean Verga Sister Mary Virginia Mr. Chas E Willoughby Mr. Geo Windeler Miss Minnie Wilson Miss Walls Mr. Wm. Ward Mr. O. M. Warren Miss Adelaide Wilson Mr. Thomas Webb Mr. G. F. Watson Mr. Gordon Wendell Mr. A. H. Willey Mr. A. Woodthorpe Mr. A. J. Winn Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Watress Mr. W. A. Webber Mr. W. D. Webb Mrs. E. Wolfe, and Maid Dr. Wm. N. Wilson Mrs. Emily Woods Mr.

We had a shooting party at Woodthorpe and he left me in charge, saying that he had some business in London and might return on the following night or he might be away a week. Days passed and he did not return. Several letters came for him which I kept in the library.