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Imposters and hypocrites there are indeed, but India respects all for the sake of the few who illumine the whole land with supernal blessings. Westerners who were viewing the vast spectacle had a unique opportunity to feel the pulse of the land, the spiritual ardor to which India owes her quenchless vitality before the blows of time.

An exchange among Westerners of their time-honoured habits for those of the East would not be less beneficial or more incongruous than a corresponding exchange on the part of orientals. Those who are ignorant of life towards the sunrise commonly suppose that they can confer no greater benefit upon the natives of these climes than chairs, top-hats, and so on. Hardly could they be more mistaken.

Unlike Westerners, Persian believers were not distinguished from other peoples of the Near East by dress and appearance, and so travellers from the cradle of the Faith did not arouse the suspicion of the Ottoman authorities.

Etienne rise and howl anathemas at you. They will run you out of town on the Chicago Express, and as you fly for your life they will shriek after you, 'Well, anyway, we feed the world with flour! Yes, sir, that is the way we Westerners argue."

All Easterners and Westerners, Northerners and Southerners, officers and men, cowboys and college graduates, wherever they came from, and whatever their social position possessed in common the traits of hardihood and a thirst for adventure. They were to a man born adventurers, in the old sense of the word. The men in the ranks were mostly young; yet some were past their first youth.

If I'm found I'm the meat of the first man who sights me, but here I stay, and wait and watch for your smiles like a love-sick boy. By Jove, you must despise me, Mary!" "I don't try to understand you Westerners," she answered, "and that's why I have never questioned you before. Tell me, why is it that you come so stealthily to see me and run away as soon as any one else appears?"

The Dudes were getting hot over the taunts of the "Toughs," as some one had misnamed their neighbors; and one night when there was more or less interchange of pointed chaff in lieu of fight with a common foe, there was heard a shrill voice from the flank of the rifle pit nearest the Westerners, and what it said was repeated in wonderment over the brigade before the Dudes were another day older.

The Japanese eat almost everything that grows, for they delight in dock and ferns, in wild ginger and bamboo shoots, and consider the last a great tit-bit. But to Europeans the Japanese vegetables seem very tasteless, and the chief of them all is very much disliked by Westerners.

The animal's long, melancholy face, his habit of braying mournfully in the moonlight until Westerners compared him unfavorably with the coyotes of the Plains had earned him the name Croaker; and he was part of the loot they had brought out of the bushwhackers' camp. As unlovely as he appeared, Croaker had endurance, steady nerves, and a most un-mulelike willingness to obey orders.

To travelers of the desert and hunters and riders of the open there are always hard and uncomfortable and painful situations to be met with. And in meeting these, if it can be done with fortitude and spirit that win the respect of westerners, it is indeed a reward.