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'Ey, bless thee, Enoch, it wernd half as grand as this! said his wife, as she plucked a spray of may blossom from a hawthorn that overarched the path through the Clough. 'Mebbe not, lass; but aw know summat haa he felt like. 'Aw never made much o' th' valleys, lad. Them as lived in 'em hes bin a bad lot. We may well thank God as we live up as high as we do.

Betty were a four-loom weyver; and i' those days there wernd so many lasses as could tackle th' job. Bud that wernd th' reason aw made up to Betty. It wernd th' looms that fetched me; it were her een. There's some breetness in 'em yet; bud yo' should ha' sin 'em forty years sin'! They leeted up her bonnie cheeks like dewdrops i' roses; an' noabry 'at looked i' them could see ought wrang i' 'em.

'And did she strike you as she struck the tackler? asked Mr. Penrose. 'Did hoo strike me ? Nowe; hoo turned t'other cheek and geet a better and longer kuss nor th' first. 'So that is how Malachi won you, is it, Betty? The story is worth a chapter in a novel. 'Nay, aw wernd so easily won as that, Mr. Penrose. There were summat else i' th' way, and aw welly thought once he'd ha' lost me.

We's see her for th' fust time o' Sunday mornin'. Hoo's baan to sit wi' Dr. Hale. 'There'll be some een on her, aw bet, said Abraham. 'Wernd there, just. Poor lass! I could fair cry for her when aw think abaat it. An' away fro' her mother, an' o'. 'But then hoo'll hev her husband, wernd hoo? asked Milly.

Mi own fo'k wernd look at me naa, 'cose he caanty-courted aar Bella's husband. 'Thee howd thi tung, aw tell thee. Aw know mi wark; and if fo'k willn'd pay for what they get, then they mun be made to. 'But supposing they cannot pay, Mr. Fletcher what then? 'What then? Then they mun go up yon, and Moses extended his bandaged hand in the direction of the Union workhouse.

It wernd so often as aw'd a chance, bud whenever th' manager's back were turned, an' aw were alone, I were noan slow to tak' my chance. It were wheer I could just see Betty at her looms. Bless thee, lass, aw think aw can see thee naa, bendin' o'er thi looms wi' a neck as praad as a swan's, thi fingers almost as nimble as th' shuttle, an' that voice o' thine treblin' like a brid!