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Then the rain burst upon them like a waterspout, and, mingling with the flying dust overhead, came down in the form of mud, mixed with flying sticks and stones, and grass, and prickly thistle-heads. So fierce was the hurly-burly that it seemed as if man and horse must perish under it.

He had scarcely spoken when it began to pelt and rain again, as if a waterspout had burst overhead, but there was no wind. "Come, that is the clearing up of it," said Cloche. At this precise moment the priest was sitting with folded arms, beyond the body, on a stool or trestle, in the alcove or recess where it lay.

"This breathing of the largest whales can be seen several miles; that is, I should say, the spray thrown up by their breath. So you see the common expression of the whale-fishers, 'There she blows! is a very good one; for sometimes, when the whale is very large, the spray looks like a small waterspout in the sea.

The wind roared with a noise that overpowered the thunder; then came a rattling shower of hail, with stones as big as pigeons' eggs, succeeded by rain, not in showers, but literally in cataracts. The only thing to which a tempest of rain in Italy can be compared is the bursting of a waterspout.

Then the third son said, 'Father, let me also show you something; and, as it was beginning to rain, he drew his sword and swung it in cross cuts above his head, so that not a drop fell on him, and the rain fell heavier and heavier, till at last it was coming down like a waterspout, but he swung his sword faster and faster, and kept as dry as if he were under cover.

Once Dick failed to catch it, and falling short of the window, it rolled down upon the roof of the second story. Dick promptly climbed out of the window, and sliding down the waterspout, reached the roof and went in pursuit of the ball.

The gases of the powder, expanded by heat, forced back the atmospheric strata with tremendous violence, passing like a waterspout through the air. Not one spectator remained on his legs; men, women, and children were thrown down like ears of wheat in a storm; there was a terrible tumult, and a large number of people were seriously injured.

The heat-wave, which had made even the desert-dwellers pant, came to an end with the Jail Canyon waterspout; the nights became bearable, the rocks cooled off and the sun ceased to strike through men's clothes. But there was one, still clinging to her faded bib-overalls, who took no joy in the blessed release.

The block seemed to be precipitating itself upon the brig; there was a moment of undefinable anguish; the men forsook their poles and flocked to the stern in spite of Shandon's orders. Suddenly a frightful sound was heard; a genuine waterspout fell upon deck, heaved up by an enormous wave.

And I don't think it's very kind of you, after all we have suffered, to speak as if we were fools. If it wasn't for that waterspout that washed away our road we'd be richer than you are, today!" "Oh, I don't know!" drawled Wunpost; "you don't know how rich I am. I can take my mules and be back here in three days with ten thousand dollars worth of ore!"