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"Some of us might, of course, be hit, but as we risk our lives whenever we get within range of the enemy, I do not see that that need be considered; at any rate, sir, I am ready to make the attempt, if the plan has your approval." "I tell you frankly, Captain Walsham, that I think your chances of success are absolutely nil.

James had, in fact, before starting, suggested to Colonel Parker that it would be well to keep under the shelter of the bushes; but the officer had replied stiffly: "When I want your advice, Captain Walsham, I will ask for it." After which rebuff, James was more willing than he had hitherto been to act in accordance with the advice of the scout.

James Walsham still thought of her as the girl of twelve he had last seen, but Richard Horton knew her as almost a woman, and, although at first he had resolved to marry her as his uncle's heiress, he now really cared for her for herself.

But, although no concise alteration has been made in the place of audience, the question has been practically settled by a courteous concession to the new English minister, Mr. O'Conor, who succeeded Sir John Walsham in 1892, and it is gratifying to feel that this advantage was gained more by tact than by coercion. When Mr.

It was the 1st of June, when James Walsham rode with Colonel Washington into the camp, and, three days later, the last companies of the Virginian corps marched in. During the next week, some of the English officers attempted to drill the Virginians in the manner of English troops. "It is a waste of time," Colonel Washington said to James, one day, when he was watching them, "and worse.

Give me your hand. You are a fine fellow, Major Walsham, a very fine fellow." Immediately upon entering Quebec, James had purchased a large turn-screw, some ten yards of fine but strong rope, and three or four bladders.

It's a risky business you have undertaken, Captain Walsham, terribly risky; but, if you succeed, you will have saved the expedition from turning out a failure, and we shall all be under obligations to you for the rest of our lives. "Has Captain Walsham told you what he is undertaking, Mr. Horton?" "No, sir."

Walsham said that would suit very well; and an hour later the sergeant set out from Sidmouth with his box, Aggie trotting alongside, talking continuously. "But why am I to stop with that lady, grampa, and not to go about with you any more? I sha'n't like it. I like going about, though I get so tired sometimes when you are showing the pictures; and I like being with you.

Wilks. "No one could express himself better." His companion read the letter over in silence. "Charmingly expressed," he said as he returned it. "Almost too charmingly, it seems to me." "Come, come, Wilks, you are prejudiced against the young fellow, for that business with Aggie and young Walsham."

He spoils that boy of his, for whom, between ourselves, I have no great liking. The old man will have trouble with him before he is done, or I am greatly mistaken." Nothing came of Mr. Allanby's visit. Mrs. Walsham told James that he had been there to remonstrate with her.