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"Citizens," said he, "while virtuous men content themselves with bewailing the misfortunes of the country, conspirators are active for its ruin. With Caesar they say: 'Let them talk, we will act. Well, then, do you act also.

"Thou holdest the language and thoughts," said De Lacy, "of a vulgar debauchee, who laughs at female constancy, because he has lived only with the most worthless of the sex. Yet thou shouldst know the contrary, having, as I know, a most virtuous daughter "

"She is not only pretty, she is good and virtuous, and deserves to be respected." "How you uphold her! One can see that you are interested in her." "I uphold her because you are unjust toward her. But I wish you to understand that she has no need of any one standing up for her her good name is sufficient to protect her. Ask any one in the village there is but one voice on that question."

Admitting for a moment that virtuous tendencies are inherited, it appears probable, at least in such cases as chastity, temperance, humanity to animals, etc., that they become first impressed on the mental organization through habit, instruction and example, continued during several generations in the same family, and in a quite subordinate degree, or not at all, by the individuals possessing such virtues having succeeded best in the struggle for life.

So Dame Maria sat there in sour and virtuous dignity, looking like the Virgin Mary as painters and sculptors were at that time wont to represent her; and her farmer-son shuddered whenever his eye fell on his step- mother. It did him good, by contrast, to hear a hearty peal of laughter that came up from the lowest ranks of the podium.

The chapter which Cicero has devoted to this subject in his treatise on old age is a beautiful example of how it appeared to a virtuous pagan, who believed in a future life which would bring him into communion with those whom he had loved and lost on earth, but who at the same time recognised this only as a probability, not a certainty.

The wise Disposer of all events has hitherto smiled upon our virtuous efforts. Those mercenary troops, a few of whom lately boasted of subjugating this vast continent, have been checked in their earliest ravages, and now actually encircled within a small space; their arms disgraced, and themselves suffering all the calamities of a siege.

He made his first appearance at family prayers in November 1830, when the ceremony struck him as 'funny, but he soon became interested and was taught to pray for himself. In 1832 his elder brother has nicknamed him the 'little preacher, from his love of virtuous admonitions. Avowals of this kind, however, have to be elicited from him by delicate maternal questioning.

THAT your Dedicator has perused, with feelings of virtuous indignation, a work purporting to be ‘Sketches of Young Ladies;’ written by Quiz, illustrated by Phiz, and published in one volume, square twelvemo.

"It was always said, Madame, at Sceaux, you could take the stage and play the parts of distressed and virtuous damosels," he answered her, coldly curling his lip. "Tell me, Madame, as you value your soul, what is this Captain de Mouret to you?" "As I value my soul," my lady answered him direct and steadily, looking straight into his eye, her own hands folded across her heaving breast.