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Vidal did not dare to jump down with the bundle in his hands; so he threw it carefully upon some bushes; as it fell, only the barometer broke; the rest was already broken. El Bizco and Vidal then jumped down and the three associates set out on a cross-country run, pursued by the canine defender of private property, who barked at their heels. "What damned fools we are!" exclaimed Vidal, stopping.

She was under the command of Lieut. Vidal, who was charged with despatches relating to the proceedings of the settlement, &c. Mr.

The suggestion was accepted and the associates spent that Sunday afternoon in royal fashion; Vidal was splendid, spending Pastiri's money right and left, inviting several girls to their table and dancing all the chulo steps. To Manuel this beginning of his free life seemed not at all bad.

But that chance had not been one to wait for; now it was past, negligible, not to be regretted. At last he knew where Vidal Nuñez was and it was his business to make an arrest and not to wait upon further chance. The man who is not ready to go into a crowd to get his law-breaker is not the man to stand for sheriff in the southwest country. "Coming, Galloway!"

'She says she's coming in to dessert. He sat down, humming the old tune to himself, and till Miss Vidal Benzaguen entered, he held us speechless with tales of the artistic temperament.

He leaned out and called to a hospital attendant, that Amedee had not noticed before, who was cutting linen upon a table in the garden: "Well, Vidal, you confounded dawdler," exclaimed he, impatiently, "are those bandages ready? Good God! are we to have them to-day or tomorrow?"

"The generous and frank, the worthy and attractive of whom men thought that in him were increased the qualities of the young king, of Richard the high renowned, and of the Count Godfrey, all the three valiant brothers." Peire Vidal in one of the poems which he addressed to Alfonso VIII., speaks of the attractions of Spain.

The friendship of Manuel and Vidal with these girls lasted a couple of months; Manuel could not make up his mind to take up with La Mella; she was too repulsive; Vidal widened the horizons of his activity, tippled with a gang of chulos and devoted himself to the conquest of a flower-girl who sold carnations. Engracia and La Rabanitos conceived a violent hatred for the lass. "That strumpet?"

Norton's ringing shout came back in answer. Suddenly the steady pulse of his blood had been stirred, the hot hope stood high in his heart again that he and Jim Galloway were going to look into each other's eyes with guns talking and an end of a long devious trail in sight. For the moment he half forgot Vidal Nuñez whom he could fancy cowering in a corner.

"Four francs four sous?" said Vidal or Porchon, whichever it was. "Yes," said the vendor. "Credit your account?" inquired the purchaser. "Old humbug! you would settle with me in eighteen months' time, with bills at a twelvemonth." "No. Settled at once," returned Vidal or Porchon. "Bills at nine months?" asked the publisher or author, who evidently was selling his book.