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"'And the Vetala Agni, having heard these words, filled himself with this great store of food, and, marvelously content with the king, said unto him: ""Truly I am content, and well disposed towards thee, and I give thee the realm of Avanti; sit thou in the highest place and taste its joys; but take heed of one thing: every day shalt thou prepare for me a repast like unto this."

"'And the king said: ""Speak, then; what is the number of my years?" "'And the Vetala answered: ""The years of thy life are a hundred." "'Then said the king: ""I am troubled because in the tale of my years there are two gaps; grant me, then, one year in excess of a hundred, or from the hundred take one."

"'Vikramaditya performed in all points the jogi's bidding; and having in the presence of the Vetala laid the golden key upon the palm of his hand, a voice within bade him ask the question: ""O Vetala, what art thou apt to do? What knowest thou?" "'And the Vetala answered: ""All that I have in my mind, that I am apt to perform. I know all things."

"'With these words, the Vetala Agni departed from that spot and betook him into his own place. "'Then for a long space did Vikramaditya diligently fulfill that command; but by and by, growing aweary of feeding the Vetala Agni, he sought counsel of the jogi Trilokanatha, who had his dwelling on the mount of Kanahakrita.

"'And the king answered: "Since thou canst neither add to my length of years, nor take anything therefrom, why should I make ready a repast for thee continually and without profit?" "'The Vetala made answer: ""Ho 'tis thus that thou speakest! Now, truly, come fight with me; this night will I devour thee."

"'The wise men in their trouble sought diligently for a child having the signs of royalty, and in due time, having found one, Xatrya by name, they gave the kingdom into his charge. And it befell that each time the councilors found a new king, lo, the Vetala Agni came forth and slew him.

"'Then shalt thou say to the Vetala: ""O illustrious Vetala, tell me, I pray thee, what doth this golden key unlock?" "'Then if the aspect of the Vetala be fierce, fear not, for he must needs reply: such is the virtue of the key; and by his words thou shalt direct thy course. Verily it is for such a trial that the gods have endowed thee with wisdom beyond the common lot of men.

"'At these words the king rose up in wrath to smite the Vetala, and held him in swift and dexterous combat for a brief space. And the Vetala, having thus made proof of the might and heroism of the king, and being satisfied, spake and said: ""O King, thou art mighty indeed; I am content with thy valor; now, then, ask me what thou wilt."

But the king said: ""Harken, O Vetala Agni; seeing that thy Excellency has come for to cause me to perish, it is not doubtful that thou wilt succeed in thy purpose; albeit, all these viands thou dost here behold have been brought together for thy behoof; eat, then, whatsoever thou dost find worthy; afterwards thou shalt work thy will."

"'Having in this fashion become king of Avanti, Vikramaditya busied himself all that day with the affairs of his kingdom, tasting the sweets of power; and at the fall of night he prepared, against the visit of the Vetala Agni, great store of heady liquors, all kinds of meat, fish, bread, confections, rice boiled with milk and honey, sauces, curded milk, butter refined, sandalwood, bouquets and garlands, divers sorts of sweet-scented things; and all these he kept in his palace, and himself remained therein, reclining in full wakefulness upon his fairest bed.