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"Between a man of your calibre and me me of whom you tried to make a greater man than I am capable of being no foolish sentiment can come at the moment of final parting. You hoped to make me powerful and famous, and you have thrown me into the gulf of suicide, that is all. I have long heard the broad pinions of that vertigo beating over my head.

The exclamation of the card-players at every unexpected coup, the jingle of gold, mingled with music and the murmur of conversation; and to put the finishing touch to the vertigo of that multitude, intoxicated by all the seductions the world can offer, a perfume-laden atmosphere and general exaltation acted upon their over-wrought imaginations.

Strictly speaking, every poison consisting of assimilable elements may be considered as unwholesome food. It is rejected by the stomach, or it produces diarrhoea, or it causes vertigo or disturbance of the heart's action, or some other symptom for which the subject of it would consult the physician, if it came on from any other cause than taking it under the name of medicine.

It seemed, to me that, when I was so fixed, so transfixed in the broken chair, the man floated up to the ceiling, crossed his legs, folded his arms as if he was lying on a sofa, and grinned down at me. When I came to myself he was down from the ceiling, and, taking me out of the broken cane-bottomed chair, kindly enough "Bah!" said he, "it is the smell of my medicine. It often gives the vertigo.

'Will he blab? 'Blab! Mr Danton is a gentleman, Arthur. Lawford rolled his eyes as if in temporary vertigo. 'Yes, he said. And Sheila once more prepared to make a reposeful exit. 'I don't think I can see Simon this morning. 'Oh. Who, then? 'I mean I would prefer to be left alone. 'Believe me, I had no intention to intrude. And this time the door really closed.

But pure water is stale and flat to such a mouth: something more emphatic is needed. Thus comes the unnatural craving for alcoholic liquors, and thus are taken the first steps on the downward grade. "There is no doubt that tobacco predisposes to neuralgia, vertigo, indigestion, and other affections of the nervous, circulatory and digestive organs."

He seemed irritated at seeing her, and rebuked his servant sharply for his ill-advised zeal. He said he had only had a touch of vertigo, to which he was subject. Madame de Campvallon soon retired, having first supplicated him not to overwork himself again.

As I did so the deadly vertigo I feared so much came over me, and it was well that I had good hand and foothold, or I should certainly have fallen. As it was I clung helpless, sick, and giddy, with closed eyes for some time, and it was only by the strongest effort of my will that I could force myself to again open them, and work my way gradually back to the little ledge.

She was as jealous of the Dauphine as a lover is of his mistress. She was in the habit of saying, "I perceive there is a sort of vertigo at present affecting the whole world." When she perceived that the harvest had failed, she bought up all the corn she could get in the markets, and gained by this means an enormous sum of money, while the poor people were dying of famine.

He trembled and shook like a man in a vertigo; the fingers of his upraised right hand opened and closed spasmodically; his flaccid lips fell apart, vacuously, insanely. "I'll kill her!" he ejaculated under his breath. MacNutt knew that his moment had come. Without a spoken word he caught his revolver up from his coat pocket. Then he thrust it, craftily, into the other man's hand.