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My chickens are losing the feathers from their necks, some three inches down the front and then extending around the neck. The loss of feathers is probably due to the depluming mite. Dust well with buhach through the feathered portion of the bird and apply carbolated vaseline to the bare skin and the edges of the feathers where the insects work. Do this daily as long as needed.

"A little vaseline, or even oil, smeared on the outside of the glass will reduce the glare of a lamp very appreciably," my companion remarked, "especially on a dusty road. Ha! here is the proprietor of the broken window. He wants to know, you know."

These are reliable only when carefully adjusted over the mouth of the womb, and many women find it very difficult to adjust this kind of pessary correctly; hence numbers of failures. Vaseline and Soap-and-Water. Using vaseline beforehand, and urinating and using soap-and-water immediately after each connection, is a fairly safe way of avoiding conception and infection.

A few tablespoonfuls of carbolic acid solution to one pint may be added to this mixture to help deaden the pain. Soak strips of old linen or absorbent cotton in this time-honored remedy, and gently apply. If carbolized or even plain vaseline is at hand, spread it freely on strips of old linen, and cover well the burnt parts, keeping out the air with other strips carefully laid on.

Care of the injured part to prevent the skin from breaking and causing a sore is the only thing left to be done. However, here are the ordinary remedies for burns. Any of the following things spread over a piece of linen or soft cotton cloth are said to be good: olive-oil, carbolized vaseline, fresh lard, cream, flour, and baking-soda. For serious burns a physician should be called.

Accidents would happen, which alarmed us at first, until we learnt how ready they were to cry wolf: one man was knocked over by a stone; we thought by his contortions some limb must be broken, and we applied vaseline, our only available remedy, to the bruise; his fellow-workmen then seized him by the shoulders, he keeping his arms crossed the while, shook him well 'to put the bones right again, as they expressed it, and he continued his work as before.

After paraffin, the heavy lubricating oils are next given off, still increasing the temperature, and, the residue being in turn subjected to a very low temperature, the white solid substance known as paraffin, so much used for making candles, is the result. By a different treatment of the same residue is produced that wonderful salve for tender skins, cuts, and burns, known popularly as vaseline.

"Give him Gadsden's stuff," she whispered to me. "Do you shave yourself, sir?" said I, taking out the Stropine. "Vaseline and ground shells, and will last your life. Rub the size of a pea on your strop and spread it to an inch." I placed the box in Shot-gun's motionless hand. "And now, Gadsden, we'll take the train," said Mrs. Brewton. "Here's your lunch!

I attribute this freedom from sepsis to careful cleansing of the conjunctival sac and to other pre-operative precautions, but especially to the use, before and after the operation, of White's ointment a preparation of 1-3000 mercuric chloride in sterile vaseline.

If, in spite of warnings, you have been so careless about your underclothing as to cause a blister, a bit of muslin saturated with Vaseline, with a drop of tincture of benzoin rubbed into it, makes a plaster which will end the smart instantly.