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On the first day of April of the year of our Lord, 1962, Francis Farnsworth Pfleuger brought into being a Möbius coincidence field and established multiple contact with the twenty-first satellite of the star Sirius, thereby giving the people of Valleyview access, via their back doorways, to a New World. Here we have come to live. Here we have come to raise our children.

Sure enough, he had a stowaway in the back seat a tawny-haired stowaway with golden eyes, over-sized ears, and a restless, white-tipped tail. "Zarathustra!" he gasped. "How in the dickens did you get in there?" "Ruf," Zarathustra replied. Philip groaned. Now he would have to go all the way back to Valleyview. Now he would have to see Judith Darrow again.

"I could give you both, but neither would do you any good. But that's beside the point. Valleyview is your responsibility now not mine." Philip sat back down again. "You can start explaining any time," he said. "It's very simple. The property owners of Valleyview signed all of their houses and places of business over to me.

One o'clock found him driving into Valleyview; two-five found him turning down a familiar street. He would have to leave his car behind him, but that was all right. Leaving it to rust away in a ghost town was better than selling it to some opportunistic dealer for a sum he would have no use for anyway.

The Francis Pfleuger we are concerned with here lived in a small town named Valleyview, and in addition to suffering the distinction of being the village idiot, he also suffered the distinction of being the village inventor. These two distinctions frequently go hand in hand, and afford, in their incongruous togetherness, an even greater inspiration for fun and laughter.

A similar state of affairs existed next door, and glancing across lots, he saw that the same desuetude prevailed throughout the entire neighborhood. Obviously the good citizens of Valleyview had lost interest in their real estate long before they had moved out. At length his explorations led him to the back door.

Anyway, we're concerned with Valleyview, not Pfleugersville." "Very well," Philip said. "This afternoon should wind things up so far as the appraising goes." That evening, after a coffee-less supper both the gas and the water had been turned off that afternoon he totaled up his figures. They made quite a respectable sum.

I left my Valleyview doors open, hoping he'd come home of his own accord, but I guess he had other ideas. Now that you've discovered our secret, Mr. Myles, what do you think of our brave new world?" "I think it's lovely," Philip said, "but I don't believe it's where you seem to think it is." "Don't you?" she asked. "Then suppose you show me the full moon that rose over Valleyview tonight.

So had the village of Valleyview. He stared at where the houses should have been, saw nothing at first except a continuation of the starlit plain. Then he noticed an upright rectangle of pale light hovering just above the ground, and presently he identified it as Judith's back doorway.