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His skin was parchment-coloured and cross-hatched by a thousand wrinkles and the hair under his skull-cap was as white as snow, but he was as bright of eye and brisk of manner as a youth of twenty. "Yes, sir," I replied rather awkwardly; "I am Miss Winship." "V'at for you study biology?" was his surprising query, uttered in a tone between a squeak, a snarl, and a grunt.

I couldn't tell him proud as I am of it that John had loved me before I ever heard of the Bacillus. But I could punish his gibes. "Oh, by the way I'm not coming to-morrow," I said. "My Aunt is to give a tea." Strange to see him struggle with his disappointment like a grieving child! But he bravely rallied. "T'at is goot," he said, "you shall tell me v'at people t'ink of you.

More beautiful t'an any ot'er voman since t'e appearance of man on eart'. But perfectly beautiful? I do not know; I t'ink not yet. Who can tell for v'at ultimate perfection Nature destined t'e human body? But we shall see. T'at perfection you shall reach. In a veek, a mont', t'ree mont's I cannot tell. Ve must vait and experiment and still vait, but success is assured absolute success.

Almost t'ou has t'e scientific mind t'at reasons and remembers. I said, I am physiologist. I study v'at Nature is, v'at she means to do. V'en Nature Gott, if you vant a shorter name makes a mistake, Gott says: 'Poor material; spoiled in shaping, wrong in t'e vorks; all failures; t'row t'em avay. Ve haf plenty more to go on vit'. You know. You study Nature, also, a little.

I am an old man and must sometime brint my discofery for t'e goot of t'e vorld; but first I must make experiments; I must try the Bacillus vit' a blonde voman, vit' a brunette voman, vit' a negro voman it vill be fine to share t'e secrets of Gott and see v'at He meant to make of t'e negro." If his enthusiasm had not run counter to my rights, I might have admired it.

And by-and-by behold Prince Charming and you vill meet and marry and forget science. V'at for I vaste my time vit' you? Eh? I do not know any voman who becomes a great scientist. Not so? T'ose young vomen, t'ey vaste t'eir time and t'ey vaste mine." I followed his gesture and saw two or three nice-looking girls in big checked aprons amiably grinning at me.

As fine a lady's lookin'-glass as ever vas, a genuine hantique framed in solid silver an' worth its weight in gold. V'at ha' ye done wi' it, you desp'rit, thievin' young willin', you?"

But perfection, you vill tell me, is far to seek," he went on, without waiting for a reply. "Yet people haf learned t'at many diseases are crimes. By-and-by, we may teach t'em t'at bat organism is t'e vorst of crimes; beautiful organism t'e first duty. V'at do you say?" The fur-capped girl pushed back her chair. "Prof. Darmstetter," she said, "will you be good enough to look at my sections?"