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"If my cousin Suzette had been here," she observed, with the shadow of a malicious smile on her lips, "I believe she would have gone into a flood of tears at the loss of her bread-and-butter, and Comus would have figured ever after in her mind as something black and destroying and hateful. In fact I don't really know why we took our loss so unprotestingly."

The Parson, as he was known, was more than six feet tall, straight as a lodge-pole pine physically and even more so spiritually. He wore a long, flowing beard, rose habitually and unprotestingly at four in the morning a man of diverse talents and eccentricities. Parson Lamb's ranch consisted of a fenced garden tract surrounded on every side for miles by high mountains that shut it in.

Most men always were; but then women used to go to the wall and go unprotestingly. Now something's roused them to jib. They're making the hell of a row. They won't stand it; and nobody else can. So what's to be done?" "Is this marriage?" Julia asked coldly. "No," said Rokeby, "it's war." "It ought not to be." "What do you suggest?" "N-nothing." "Nor does anyone else," Rokeby stated.

And now all that remained for him was to slip quietly and unprotestingly into the current which clawed and gnawed at his feet. He had been tried too long; the test, from the first, had been too crucial.

It appeared that Winterman, while lying insensible in the Park, had been robbed of the few dollars he possessed; and on leaving the hospital, still weak and half-blind, he had quite simply and unprotestingly accepted the Wades' offer to give him shelter till such time as he should be strong enough to go to work. "But what's his work?" Bernald interjected. "Hasn't he at least told you that?"

The good couple from Cadogan Place could always unprotestingly dine with them and "go on" afterwards to such publicities as the Princess cultivated the boldness of now perversely preferring.

If Rowland was present when they came, he turned away and thought of other things or tried to. These were the only moments when his sympathy halted, and they were brief. For the rest he let the days go by unprotestingly, and enjoyed Roderick's serene efflorescence as he would have done a beautiful summer sunrise. Rome, for the past month, had been delicious.

That he was ready to submit unprotestingly now, argued an acquiescence in some agreement into which he and the other suspects had entered for mutual safety and protection.

Silently, unprotestingly, the woman obeyed him, raising her gloved hands and lifting the veil from her face. The features revealed were handsome in a hard fashion, but heavily made-up. Our captive was younger than I had hitherto supposed; a blonde; her hair artificially reduced to the so-called Titian tint.

He had no fears of anybody or anything, either human or superhuman. Death offered him no more terrors than Life. And whichever was his portion he was ready to accept it unquestioningly, unprotestingly. He allowed the hoboe time to get well clear of his shack. Then he stood up and began to pace the room thoughtfully.