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There couldn't be any unhappier man, Archy Stillman; his life had been made up of misery of mind he isn't near as old as he looks. He has lost the feel of reposefulness and peace oh, years and years ago! He doesn't know what good luck is never has had any; often says he wishes he was in the other hell, he is so tired of this one."

It seemed as if my heart warmed within me, and something seemed to say to me that I would never forgive myself as long as I lived, and would be even unhappier than I was, if I did not give the child something to rejoice over at Christmas time. I longed to draw her towards me and kiss her.

I myself, yesterday I should have laughed at anyone who had got into such a plight; I should have avoided him, I should have despised him!" And suddenly George broke down again. "Oh!" he cried, "if I were the only one to suffer; but she she is in love with me. I swear it to you! She is so good; and she will be so unhappy!" The doctor answered, "She would be unhappier later on."

The greatest sorrows and joys or great exhibition of strength are not assigned to her; her life should flow more quietly, more gently, and less obtrusively than man's, without her being essentially happier or unhappier.

Why, no worse than usual, nowadays that I am getting old! My body has been unhappier a thousand times in storm and fight, and thirst and famine." "Then mind and soul?" I asked. "They are well. There is nothing left for them but to feel well. I am in the hand of God." I did what service for him I could. He thanked me. "You've been ever as tender as a woman. A brave man besides!

Two hands are prepared to work incessantly, in order that you may not feel the loss of one of yours. The house which you see and all its contents are yours, and every year you will receive enough to be counted amongst the rich of your people. Forgive him who is unhappier than yourself!"

Private Augustus Grobble looked a little more convincing, inasmuch as his fattish figure filled his uniform, but the habit of wearing his helmet on the back of his neck and a general congenital unmilitariness of habit and bearing, operated against success. Two unhappier men rarely stood back to back upon a lonely, windy hill-top.

"We're really no unhappier than we were when we were young." "We're more serious." "Well, I hate it; and I wish you wouldn't be so serious, if that's what it brings us to." "I will be trivial from this on," said March. "Shall we go to the Hole in the Ground to-night?" "I am going to Boston." "It's much the same thing. How do you like that for triviality? It's a little blasphemous, I'll allow."

She was indeed taken from the French by the English under Wellington during the Peninsular War, but of older, if not unhappier farther-off days and battles longer ago her history as I know it seems to know little.