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"'I have devised may the offering be graciously received! all that I shall die possessed of to make an addition to support those devoted soldiers not, dear nephew, soldiers in your carnal meaning of the word but the ministers of the gospel, who labor in New Zealand. These inestimable men, whose courage is almost supernatural, and who " "Pish what an old twaddler!"

If you mix me up with that mawkish theoretical twaddler you simply prove that you know nothing of my manuscript, though it has been in your hands. As for your vengeance, let me tell you that it's a mistake to cock your pistol: that's absolutely against your interests at the present moment.

'Ungrammatical twaddler, was it, sir? said Pott. 'Yes, sir, it was, replied Slurk; 'and BLUE BORE, Sir, if you like that better; ha! ha! Mr. Pott retorted not a word at this jocose insult, but deliberately folded up his copy of the INDEPENDENT, flattened it carefully down, crushed it beneath his boot, spat upon it with great ceremony, and flung it into the fire.

"Your opponent increased the Government majority " "And my reputation. A tiresome twaddler. Unfortunately," and he smiled again, "two moral victories are as bad as a defeat. On the other hand, a defeat at a bye-election equals a victory at a general. You play a solo and on your own trumpet." A burst of cheering rounded off these remarks.

Simon, who, with all his ability, was something of a twaddler, undertook the weighty business. His entreaties, being seconded by Law, the good-natured Regent gave his consent, leaving to Law's ingenuity to find the means to pay for it.

But pastime for pastime is it any idler than yours?" "Than mine?" "Why you've half-a-dozen while I only allow myself the luxury of one. For the theatre's my sole vice, really. Is this more wanton, say, than to devote weeks to the consideration of the particular way in which your friend Mr. Nash may be most intensely a twaddler and a bore?

But really, between conceit and disgust, fancying myself one day a great new poet, and the next a mere twaddler, I got so puzzled and anxious, that I determined to pluck up courage, go to Mackaye, and ask him to solve the problem for me. "Hech, sirs, poetry! I've been expecting it. I suppose it's the appointed gate o' a workman's intellectual life that same lust o' versification.

As for this new spirit of the age that is doing so much among us, I am not twaddler enough to complain of all change, for I know that many of these changes have had the most beneficial effects.

"Dussaulx," said he, "is an old twaddler, incapable of leading a party; Lathenas is a poor creature, unworthy of a thought; Ducos is merely chargeable with a few absurd notions, and is not at all a man to become a counter-revolutionary leader. I require that these be struck out of the list, and their names replaced by that of Valaze."

"You may look, if you wish to know," I replied. "There is the open desk, there are the papers." "Confound your insolence! What have you been about?" "Your work, and have done it well." "Hypocrite and twaddler! Smooth-faced, snivelling greasehorn!" "Come, Edward Crimsworth, enough of this. It is time you and I wound up accounts.