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It is also employed, if I am not misinformed, in the preparation of court sticking-plaster. The gum or resin called dulang is named by us scented benzoin from its peculiar fragrance. On en exporte en grande quantite en Turquie parles golfes d'Arabie et de Perse, et la moindre des trois especes de Benzoin, que les marchands vendent, est estimee meilleure que l'Oliban d'Arabie. According to Mr.

See also Vambéry, Western Culture in Eastern Lands; General Sir T. E. Gordon, "The Reform Movement in Persia," Proceedings of the Central Asian Society, 13 March, 1907. E. G. Browne, "The Present Situation in Persia," Contemporary Review, November, 1912. Vambéry, La Turquie d'aujourd'hui et d'avant Quarante Ans, pp. 11-12.

Vambéry, La Turquie d'aujourd'hui et d'avant Quarante Ans, p. 32. Cooper, op. cit., pp. 48-49. On this point of comfort v. luxury, see especially Sir Bampfylde Fuller, "East and West: A Study of Differences," Nineteenth Century and After, November, 1911. L. Bertrand, op. cit., 145-147; J. Chailley, Administrative Problems of British India, pp. 138-139.

The Gobelins factory finally absorbed the Savonnerie, but that was after it had been established in the Louvre. Pierre Dupont who was director of tapestry works under Henri IV even goes so far as to vaunt the works of French production over those of "La Turquie." The taste of the day was doubtless far better pleased with the French colour and drawing than with the designs of the East.

Les Navigations, Pérégrinations, et Voyages, faits en Turquie. Par Nicholas Nicholai, Antwerp, fol. 1576. This also is instructive, relative to the manners, &c. of many parts of Europe, Africa, and Upper Asia: the plates are engraved on wood, after the designs of Titian. Relations des Voyages de M. de Breves, tant en Grèce, Terre Sainte. Egypte, qu'aux Royaumes de Tunis et Alger. Paris, 1628. 4to.

For these Pan-Turanian tendencies in Hungary and Bulgaria, see my article "Pan-Turanism," American Political Science Review, February, 1917. See article by "X," quoted above; also his article "Les Courants politiques dans la Turquie contemporaine," Revue du Monde musulman, December, 1912.

D'autres personnes dont je regarde le témoignage comme véritable m'ont dit depuis que les troupes qu'annuellement la Turquie est obligée de fournir quand le seigneur veut former son armée, montent

Among his other works are: Genièvre, 1849; Le Tailleur de Pierres de Saint Point, 1851; Fior d'Aliza, 1866; and the histories, Histoire de la Restauration, 1851-1853; Histoire de la Turquie, 1854; Histoire de la Russie, 1855. His wife died in 1863.

Burse étoît aussi le séjour de Camusat Bayschat (pacha), seigneur, ou, comme nous autres nous dirions, gouverneur et lieutenant de la Turquie. C'est un très-vaillant homme, le plus entreprenant qu'ait le Turc, et le plus habile

Then the sides of the mountains, quite different from Wales indeed cultivated with garden care, green vineyards, patches of ble de Turquie, hemp, and potatoes, all without enclosure of any kind, mixed with trees and shrubs: then the garden-cultivation abruptly ceasing bare white rocks and fir above, fir measuring straight to the eye the prodigious height.