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It was not an agreeable two centuries for Englishmen who ever thought of India to read about. Two centuries of squabblings and strugglings with Dutch settlers and with Portuguese settlers, of desperate truckling to native princes.

This brief threw those to whom it was addressed into no small perplexity; for while, on the one hand, they secretly leaned to the cause of the Church, they had become on the other so cowed and truckling under the iron despotism of the emperor, that they felt themselves unequal to the task of responding to the pope as their duty prompted; so that they resolved, after some deliberation on the subject, to lay the brief before Frederic, and to square their reply according to his remarks.

If, therefore, Alexius Comnenus was, during his anxious seat upon the throne of the East, reduced to use a base and truckling course of policy if he was sometimes reluctant to fight when he had a conscious doubt of the valour of his troops if he commonly employed cunning and dissimulation instead of wisdom, and perfidy instead of courage his expedients were the disgrace of the age, rather than his own.

He went to study in Paris with the determination that when he provincial home again he would settle in some provincial town as a general practitioner, and resist the irrational severance between medical and surgical knowledge in the interest of his own scientific pursuits, as well as of the general advance: he would keep away from the range of London intrigues, jealousies, and social truckling, and win celebrity, however slowly, as Jenner had done, by the independent value of his work.

I know of only four ways to hasten the time when commercialism will cease to be a reproach to our papers. First. The papers can devote themselves to getting so extensive a circulation that they can ignore the clamor of the advertisers. But this implies a certain truckling to popularity, and the best editors will chafe under such restrictions. Second. The papers can become endowed.

'Clap-trap, said the great man, throwing the telegram down on the table. 'Well, said Farnborough, distinctly dashed, 'they've been saying we have nothing to offer but personal popularity. No practical reform, no 'No truckling to the masses, I suppose. Poor Farnborough bit his lip.

My conceit, and absurdity, and thanklessness, have risen up before me; and I remember offers that would have involved no sacrifice of my clerical obligations offers that I would not even consider classing them all as 'mere truckling with my conscience. What did I take for a conscience?

All were animated, according to the newspaper reports, by the determination to use the Three Mile Point without being indebted to the liberality of Cooper or any one else. Stirring speeches were made. This proposition was deemed by the immense majority of those present to have a truckling character, and consequently met with no favor.

He was a truckling politician, and an ambitious priest. Arnaud d'Ossat was born in 1536 at Cassagnaberre, a small village of Armagnac, near Auch. His parents lived in great indigence during his infancy, and at nine years of age he became an orphan, totally destitute.

To the uncompromising Abolitionists such views were intolerable; and by some of those who demanded immediate emancipation, even at the cost of the Union and all that its destruction involved, it was said that he was influenced by a mean spirit of expediency and a base truckling to the rank and wealth which sustained this insult to humanity. They little knew him.