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This kind of a set is called a full wave rectification transmitter. The waves radiated by this transmitter can be received by either a crystal detector or a plain vacuum-tube detector but the heterodyne receptor will give you better results than either of the foregoing types. The Operation of Wireless Telephone Transmitters with Direct Current Short Distance Transmitter.

Where the oscillation current in the aerial wire is small the transmitter can be connected directly in series with the latter when the former will surge through it. As you speak into the microphone transmitter its resistance is varied and the current strength of the oscillations is varied accordingly. The Operation of Wireless Telephone Transmitters with Direct Current Long Distance Transmitters.

Of platinum, too, which is more expensive than gold, it uses one thousand pounds a year in the making of telephone transmitters. This is imported from the Ural Mountains. The silk thread comes from Italy and Japan; the iron for magnets, from Norway; the paper tape, from Manila; the mahogany, from South America; and the rubber, from Brazil and the valley of the Congo.

But the most copper money has been saved literally tens of millions of dollars by persuading thin wires to work as efficiently as thick ones. This has been done by making better transmitters, by insulating the smaller wires with enamel instead of silk, and by placing coils of a certain nature at intervals upon the wires.

None of it affected them directly they were already headed for the point in space a great many other people would now start heading for very soon. Then business dropped off again almost as suddenly as it had picked up. A half dozen low priority items straggled in, in as many minutes. The transmitters purred idly. Then the person-to-person buzzer sounded. Trigger punched the screen button.

The simultaneous elaboration of myths relating to trees and birds as objects of worship, as beneficent or malign powers, and as the transmitters of oracles, necessarily confirmed and extended the personifications of speech and song, and were fused through many sources into a whole, which represented a supernatural agent, endowed with the power of a mediator, of a good or evil spirit or idol.

For when the two spirals are placed parallel to each other at a distance of 3 ft. apart, and connected to independent batteries and transmitters, as shown in Plate 7, each transmitter having a sound perfectly distinct from that of the other, when the circuits are completed the separate sounds given out by the two transmitters can be distinctly heard at the same time by the aid of a telephone; but, by placing the telephone in a position neutral to one of the spirals, then only the sound proceeding from the other can be heard.

"But ruinous in delicate instruments! That's why we're so careful." Holati Tate glanced at Trigger. "Better look in the black box, Trig," he said. She nodded and wormed herself farther into the innards of the transmitters. A minute later she announced, "Full of it! And that's the one part we can't repair or replace, of course. Is it your beast, Professor?"

To do this you need only to use a voltmeter across the filament terminals instead of an ammeter in series with it; then regulate the voltage of the filament with a rheostat. The Operation of C. W. Telegraph Transmitters with Alternating Current With Two Oscillator Tubes. In other words these oscillations are sustained but as in the case of those of a single tube, their amplitude rises and falls.

Other guests also manifest morbid curiosity through their transmitters, but the clerk does not get excited, for he knows that all these remarks are filed away in the large black walnut box at the back of the office.