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Keap took occasion to call Speed aside. "I have something to contribute to the training-quarters if you will help me bring it out," said she. The young man bowed. "Most gladly." "We'll be back in a little while," the chaperon announced to the others, and a moment later, when she and Speed had reached the veranda of the house, she paused. "I I want to speak to you," she began, hesitatingly.

"She seen me, too!" Mariedetta was squatting in the shade opposite, her eyes fixed stolidly upon the training-quarters. "Then you've got to lay low till she gives up," declared Wally. "We're in trouble enough as it is."

"They are more or less athletic," he declared. "Was it Mr. Speed's idea?" "Yes. He wanted training-quarters." "It's a joke, isn't it?" "I don't think so. Mr. Fresno, why do you dislike Mr. Speed?" Fresno bent a warm glance upon the questioner. "Don't you know?" Helen shook her head with bland innocence. "Then you do dislike him?" "No, indeed! I like him he makes me laugh." Helen bridled loyally.

Keap turned her eyes anxiously toward the training-quarters, and it was patent that she had not counted upon this encounter. Noting her lack of ease, Fresno said hopefully: "If you are going for a walk, I'll sing for you at some other time." "Is Mr. Speed up yet?" "Up and gone. He'll be back soon." Then Mrs.

He spent his mornings and afternoons either in his stables or at the extensive training-quarters of his stud, where he was as indefatigable a rail-bird as any pristine stable-boy. A friendly rivalry had long existed between his neighbor and friend, Colonel Desha, and himself in the matter of horse-flesh.

Understand! I am going to be so desperately disappointed that I'll have to choose between suicide and marriage. The way I feel now, I think I'll choose marriage. But you must help." "Leave it to me, Bo!" "In the first place, I want some training-quarters." "That's right, don't be a piker." "And I want you to boost." "I'm there! When do we begin?" "Right away.

"That's the worst thing in the world for anybody," said Willie, with cynicism. "But how can we stop it?" "Make him eat as well as sleep in his training-quarters; don't let him spend any time whatever in female company. Keep your eyes on him night and day." Willie spoke his mind deliberately. "I'm in favor of that.

She selected a pink satin ribbon, and tied a chic bow upon one of the wooden handles. "There! We can let him in now." "Oh dear!" Jean descended from her precarious position and admitted, "I'm tired out." All that morning the three had labored, busily transforming the store-room into training-quarters for Speed, who had declared that such things were not only customary but necessary.

Waterbury's training-quarters were adjacent, and, after lurking furtively about like some hunted animal, Garrison summoned all his nerve and walked boldly in. The only stable-boy about was one with a twisted mouth and flaming red hair, which he was always curling; a remarkably thin youth he was, addicted to green sweaters and sentimental songs.

Again Speed donned his running-suit and took to the road for his farewell practise. Again Willie followed at a distance on horseback, watching the hills warily. But all hope had fled from the Yale man now, and he returned to his training-quarters disheartened, resigned. He was not resigned, however, to the visit he received later from Miss Helen Blake.