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I have long sought after this opportunity of doing justice to a society of men for whom I have a peculiar honour, and whose opinions as well as practices have been extremely misrepresented and traduced by the malice or ignorance of their adversaries.

And yet perhaps some would make but a laughing matter of this, considering the mildness and gentleness of Socrates; "but for the whole host of the Greeks," that is, of the other philosophers, amongst which are Democritus, Plato, Stilpo, Empedocles, Parmenides, and Melissus, who have been basely traduced and reviled by him, it were not only a shame to be silent, but even a sacrilege in the least point to forbear or recede from freedom of speech in their behalf, who have advanced philosophy to that honor and reputation it has gotten.

Set you down this; And say besides, that in Aleppo once, Where a malignant and a turban'd Turk Beat a Venetian and traduced the state, I took by the throat the circumcised dog, And smote him thus!" What is the essence of Shakespeare's achievement in this marvellous passage? What is it that he has done?

It would have been better had she kept me more in her own apartment, with an agreeable freedom and inquired oftener what part of the house I was in. After my cousin left me, God granted me the grace to forgive injuries with such readiness, that my confessor was surprised. He knew that some young ladies had, out of envy, traduced me and that I spoke well of them as occasion offered.

He was always after the war the central figure of a court-martial or a Congressional inquiry, was accused of everything, from stealing to cowardice, was banished to obscure posts, "jumped on" by the press, traduced in public and in private, and always emerged triumphant. While Signal Officer, he went up against the Secretary of War and put him to the controversial sword.

Secondly, They have continually traduced the College, and troubled them in Parliaments, at the Council-Board, &c. to their great charge and molestation. They pretended also they were abridged wholy from their Trade, and might not sell a penny-worth of Mithridate, &c. without a Doctors Bill. And as to the bill itself so much railed on by them in Westminster-Hall, Coffee-Houses, Ale-Houses, &c.

"I!" returned Alice, quite indignant at the question. "It is not likely that I would." "That man, Alice is Sir Francis Levison." Alice Challoner gave a start, and her face became scarlet. "How dare you say so, Blanche? It is not true. Who was the girl, pray? She must have traduced him." "She has not traduced him," was the subdued answer. "The girl was myself." An awkward pause.

"Isaachar, I shall not forget this kindness on your part," said the marquis, blushing with shame at himself, when he reflected on the purpose for which he had sought the Jew's dwelling. "Heaven knows it is not in my power to reward you with gold; but whenever I may henceforth hear your race traduced, reckon upon me as its champion."

When Schiller paid no attention to this, Amstein appealed to one Walter, a fussy official living at Ludwigsburg. Walter took up the case of the traduced canton with great zeal, and brought it to the attention of the duke. The result was a summons to Schiller, a sharp reproof, and an order to write no more 'comedies'. He was to confine himself strictly to medicine or he would be cashiered.

We may judge, from "the style, the matter, and the drift" of this discourse, that it emanated from the same sculptor who is mentioned, in "Nathaniel Hawthorne and His Wife," as having traduced Margaret Fuller and her husband Count Ossoli. As Tennyson says, "A lie that is half a truth is ever the blackest of lies," and this fellow would seem to have been an adept in unveracious exaggeration.