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I took one lingerin' last look and felt proud of myself when I saw the hump in the pack made by my bag of beans. "'That-like flummery food's no kind of diet to be trackin' up pay-rock on, I says to kind of cheer myself. "Four weeks later I struck it. And six weeks after that I had things in shape so't I was able to leave.

You simply gets a gun an' goes trackin' 'round in her destinies, an' shootin' up her prospects like you has a personal interest. You don't know but she deplores the deal complete. Peets, an' me, an' Boggs, an' all the rest of us is your friends, an' nacherally partial on your side. We-alls figgers you means well.

We I wanted to know where you was, if you had a safe place. So I trailed you." "Trailed me," cried Venters, bluntly. "I reckon. It was some of a job after I got to them smooth rocks. I was all day trackin' you up to them little cut steps in the rock. The rest was easy." "Where's your hoss? I hope you hid him." "I tied him in them queer cedars down on the slope. He can't be seen from the valley."

From the way she writes, it's all plain an' easy he's been sendin' her some rainbows about how he's loomin' up, like Slim Jim does his sister that a-way. He's jest now industriously trackin' 'round, lookin' to locate himse'f as a lawyer. I don't reckon this yere mother has the slightest idee he's nothin' more'n a ragged, busted victim of Red Dog.

An' if it was Isbel's tracks, why shore Queen would stick to them. Somers an' Springer couldn't follow the trail. They're shore not much good at trackin'. But for days they've been ridin' the woods, hopin' to run across Queen.... Wal now, mebbe they run across Isbel instead. An' if they did an' got away from him they'll be heah sooner or later.

The night's a comin' down fast. It's a'ready gettin' dark; an' I'm afeerd it'll be tough trackin' under the timber. If we're to catch up wi' them the night, we hain't a minnit to spare." "Let us forward then!" Crossing the ridge, we descended rapidly on the other side the track of the wheel guiding us in a direct line to the nearest point of the woods.

Jean, you're Indian, an' Texas an' French, an' you've trained yourself in the Oregon woods. When you were only a boy, few marksmen I ever knew could beat you, an' I never saw your equal for eye an' ear, for trackin' a hoss, for all the gifts that make a woodsman.... Wal, rememberin' this an' seein' the trouble ahaid for the Isbels, I just broke out whenever I had a chance.

He's been here now the better part of an hour, trackin' mud over the clean carpets till I'm a'most ready to cry." Dick seized his hat and moved sulkily to the door, hurling back threats as he walked. "Just you wait! We'll see you think I won't tell, but I will!"

He wouldn't have let on he ever hears of a squaw called 'Sunbright. This ca'mness would be born of two causes. It would be ag'in Injun etiquette to go trackin' about makin' a onseemly uproar an' disturbin' the gen'ral peace for purely private causes.

"It's the barkeep at the Red Light posts Colonel Sterett as to them perils. A Mexican comes trackin' along into the Colonel's room in the second story what he calls his 'sanctum' with a note. It's from the barkeep an' reads like this: RED LIGHT SALOON. Huggins is in here tankin' up an' makin' war medicine. He's packin' two guns. He says he's going to plug you for that piece.