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The rippling waters were almost hidden by the bushes which grew upon its banks, where the wild honeysuckle and touch-me-not, laurels and eglantine, mingled their beautiful blossoms, and wooed the bee and humming-bird to their gay bowers.

As I thus gave vent to my resentment I instinctively felt that, so far from causing her to avoid me, it would quicken her rompish interest in me. And I hoped it would "'S-sh! don't yell," she said, startled. "Can't you take a joke?" "A nice joke, that." "Very well, I won't do it again. I didn't know you were a touch-me-not."

Jerry felt the arm against his own twitch, and continued relentlessly: "I believe you've been snubbing her. You know, old man, you have a sort of horribly lordly, touch-me-not air about you when you choose. But I don't see why you should choose with Miss Quentin. She's such an awfully good sort." "Yes," agreed Errington. "Miss Quentin is quite charming."

And then she poked her forefinger into the baby's roseleaf cheek. "Pretty!" she said, beaming at the child. "Oh, don't touch her!" Patty cried out. "Come away, Azalea!" for she really didn't know what the strange girl would do next. "Pshaw! I didn't hurt her. If she's such a touch-me-not, she's no fun at all! But every-body's like that with their first baby! Silly! Fussy! Just ridiculous!"

If you attempt such a thing again I'll make short work of you. Mark my words, or you'll get something more than a bleeding nose next time, I promise you." "You'll hear more of this! You'll hear more of this! You fierce, wild, touch-me-not thing," he roared. "Yes; my motto with men is touch-me-not, and it is your own fault if I'm fierce.

The Duchess of Bless-my-Soul was sitting for her portrait; the Marquis of So-and-So was holding the Duchess' poodle; the Earl of This-and-That was flirting with her salts; and his Royal Highness of Touch-me-Not was leaning upon the back of her chair. I approached the artist and turned up my nose. "Oh, beautiful!" sighed her Grace. "Oh my!" lisped the Marquis. "Oh, shocking!" groaned the Earl.

Holt was already arranging his book-marks in the Bible, while Joshua and Robert, in black cutaways that seemed to have the benumbing and paralyzing effect of strait-jackets, wandered aimlessly about the room, as though its walls were the limit of their movements. The children had a subdued and touch-me-not air that reminded Honora of her own youth.

She shall bind that verse upon her with a coral necklace I carry for my gift, and it shall dance on her white throat when her husband leads her out to open the wedding-ball." "Since you are so fond of children," said the Touch-me-not, "tell me, what shall we do for the one I have on my deck?

Of Lady de Brantefield, the touch-me-not mistress of the mansion, I had retained a sublime, but not a beautiful idea I now felt a desire to see her again, to verify my old notion.

Bessie, her beaming comeliness notwithstanding, could assume in an instant a touch-me-not air, and gave her hand only, though that with a kind frankness; and then they sat down and talked of Caen. Mrs. Chiverton's report as a woman of extraordinary beauty and virtue had preceded her into her husband's country, but to the general observer Miss Fairfax was much more pleasing.