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I'm not such a fool, after all, perhaps, as you thought. I have it, and hang me, but I'll make use of it! You have blasted my life, and thought it good fun, no doubt. I'll see if I can't give tit-for-tat and spoil your little game, my haughty lady, with your white face and your cursed high-handed airs. Yet, how I loved them how I loved them!

It was tit-for-tat for a while with splinters flying and neither of us in the eye of advantage, but at last the Araminta shot away the main-mast and wheel of the Niobe, and she wallowed like a tub in the trough of the sea. We bore down on her, and our carronades raked her like a comb. Then we fell thwart her hawse, and tore her up through her bowline-ports with a couple of thirty-two-pounders.

The cost of livin is comin' down all the time. Oh, I'm havin' a beautiful game of tit-for-tat with Raish." She laughed merrily. Galusha did not laugh. The game was altogether too risky for him to enjoy it. A person sitting on a powder barrel could scarcely be expected to enjoy the sight of a group of children playing with matches in close proximity.

Bah! on such Christianity. And now those men were to train their guns on me. I had been twenty years in the trade and knew how others had fared. I grant, in many cases, it was tit-for-tat, the man injured had done his best to injured others. With few exceptions the entire trade were "birds of a feather."

Just before the 'tit-for-tat' amendment, the Premier brought forward a new scheme on the subject which he had reluctantly waived in 1849 in deference to the wishes of the majority of his colleagues, who then regarded such a proposal as premature.

Why, I hardly get into any family before I make love to some member of it, and if I don't vamose with a black wench, it's with her mistress." "Ah, Mr. Ogg, they are perfectly fiendish in resenting that!" "Of course, but there's a grand tit-for-tat going through all nature. Why, sir, the pleasures of the far South, to a man of art and enterprise like you, far exceed this poor, plain region.

Any fool can see why you are here. Stop, I take that back, sir! I don't play tit-for-tat with my tongue." Gholson turned red on the brow and ashen about the lips. "I don't call that tit-for-tat, Mr. Smith.

"Then, I tell you, downstairs you go," said Aennchen stiffly. "Is it decided?" Beppo asked. "Then, good-evening. You detestable German girls can't love. One step a smile: another step a kiss. You tit-for-tat minx!