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"Where are they bound for?" asked Manuel, eyeing them sympathetically. "To the tile-works," answered Vidal. "To sell saffron, as we say around here." "And why do they say that?" "Because saffron is so dear...." The three came to a halt and lay down upon the sod. For more than an hour they remained there, discussing women and ways and means of procuring money.

What do those rascals claim from me?" "It seems that a stream of water which rises in your property has changed its course and flows over some tile-works of the aforesaid Uncle Licurgo and the mill of another person, occasioning considerable damage.

He listened to my advice, and actually had sufficient courage to take a lease of our tile-works, when he had not so much as a penny. He came and took up his abode here, taught his wife, her aged mother, and his own mother how to make tiles, and made workmen of them. How they managed, I do not know, upon my honor!

The owner of the tile-works agreed to take it over without disputing about its condition, and I looked round for new tenants who would take their part in improving the industries of the canton. "Mme. Gravier's waiting-maid had married a poor workman, who was earning so little with the potter who employed him that he could not support his household.

Here there was an elevated position known as La Tuilerie otherwise the tile-works which had been fortified expressly to prevent the Germans from bursting upon Le Mans from the direct south.

Little by little, in short, by dint of taking pains and extending his business, his income has increased. He bought the tile-works last year, and next year he will rebuild his house. To-day all the worthy folk there are well clothed and in good health.

It was so painful to see this laziness and incurable stupidity, and I so much disliked the sight of the tile-works, that I never came this way if I could help it. Luckily, both the man and his wife were old people. One fine day the tile-maker had a paralytic stroke, and I had him removed to the hospital at Grenoble at once.

"You know quite well, sir, that he would keep all the orders in the canton waiting to serve you. Why, taking your money is the thing that troubles him most; but I always tell him that your crowns bring luck with them, and so they do." "Good-bye," said Benassis. A little group gathered about the bars across the entrance to the tile-works.

He dared not risk a return to home and bed, for within two and a half hours he must be at work. He wandered aimlessly over the surface of the earth until he came to a tile-works, more or less unenclosed, whose primitive ovens showed a glare. He ventured within, and in spite of himself sat down on the ground near one of those heavenly ovens.