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She made no mention of any husband, which might have been odd in the East but did not impress me as especially odd here in the democratic Far West. The women appeared to have an independence of action. "Shall we risk a play or two?" she proposed. "Are you acquainted with three-card monte?" "Indifferently, madam," said I. "But I am green at all gambling devices."

"Start your little ball to rolling for that," he instructed the roulette man, tossing down a bill. "Dropped again!" he lamented humorously. "Can't seem to have any luck." He drifted on to the crap game. "Throw us the little bones, pardner," he said. "I'll go you a five on it." He lost here, and so found himself at the table presided over by the three-card monte men.

It is not honest to employ an argument and then shirk all the difficulties it raises by resorting to the theological three-card trick, which confounds instead of satisfying the spectator, while emptying his mental pockets of the good cash of common sense. The Dean's treatment of God the Son is amusing. He writes of Jesus Christ as though he were a principle instead of a person.

They showed you where the jack was before they throwed, and it surely looked like a picnic, but it wasn't." "Three-card monte," said Newmark. "How much?" asked Simms. "About fifty dollars," replied the boy. Orde turned on the disgruntled cook. "And you had fifty in your turkey, camping with this outfit of hard citizens!" he cried. "You ought to lose it."

'Glibness' they call it, and scent behind it the adventurer, the player of the confidence trick or the three-card trick, the robber of the widow and the orphan. Be smooth-tongued, and the Englishman will withdraw from you as quickly as may be, walking sideways like a crab, and looking askance at you with panic in his eyes.

Here also is the three-card trick, demonstrated by a man with the incongruous accent of Whitechapel and a defiant eye, that even through the glaze of the second stage of drunkenness held the audience and yet was 'ware of the disposition of the nine of hearts.

This nice-looking chap he bet him, and he win $500. Wall, I just planked down my money, and the fellar win it; but he gave me the tickets for a dram, and I'm goin' to take 'em out what pap lives but I won't tell pap I lost anything, fur he don't know how much I got fur my farm." My friend said, "Why, Devol, he has been playing three-card monte."

On this trip I met a man by the name of Rollins, who was the first man I ever saw playing three-card monte. Seeing I was pretty smart, he proposed a partnership. We commenced depredations on the packets. He did the playing, and I was the capper. I represented a planter's son traveling for my health.

Balsamo stared calmly at a young dark-browed man who had entered his sanctuary with much the same air as a village bumpkin assumes when he is about to be shown the three-card trick on a race-course. Balsamo did not even ask him to sit down. "Why do you come to me? You don't believe in me," said Balsamo, curtly. "Why waste your half-sovereign?" Ralph Martin, not being talkative, said nothing.

He'll lose every time he plays, but if he stays with it, an' keeps on playin' the best he knows how, an' don't go tryin' to force his luck by drawin' four cards, an' fillin' three-card flushes, why, some day luck will change an' he wins back all he's lost an' a lot more with it, because there's always someone in the game that's throwin' their money away drawin' to a Judson." "What is a Judson?"