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The Scalzi The Labia Palace The missing cicerone Tiepolo and Cleopatra S. Marcuola and Titian A maker of oars The death of Wagner Frescoes on palaces The Ca' d'Oro Baron Franchetti S. Sebastian The Palazzo Michiel dalle Colonne A merry tapestry A cardinal's nursery The Palazzo Lion The Fondaco dei Tedeschi Canova, Titian, and Byron.

Thitherward his cry of "Down with the Tedeschi!" led the boiling tide. Rinaldo drew Wilfrid and Jenna to an open doorway, counselling the latter to strip the gold from his coat and speak his Italian in monosyllables. A woman of the house gave her promise to shelter and to pass them forward.

Everything, on the contrary, points to Titian's evolution being anything but rapid; in fact, so far as records go, there is no mention of his name until he painted the façade of the Fondaco de' Tedeschi in company with Giorgione in 1507.

Dear Rossini! you have done well to throw this bone to gnaw to the Tedeschi, who declared we had no harmony, no science! "Now you will hear the ominous melody the maestro has engrafted on to this profound harmonic composition, worthy to compare with the most elaborate structures of the Germans, but never fatiguing or tiresome.

He detests and despises the Venetians as cordially as the marchese abhors the Tedeschi; and, as I am entirely dependent upon him, I should not dream of saying a word to him about the matter until I was married, and nothing could be done to separate me from Bianca." "So that, upon the whole, you appear to stand a very fair chance of starvation, if everything turns out according to your wishes.

'It says well for Milan that the Tedeschi can scrape up nothing better from the gutters than rascals the like of those for their service, quoth Agostino. 'Eh, Signor Conte? 'That enclosure about La Vittoria's name on the bills is correct, said the person addressed, in a low tone. He turned and indicated one who followed from the interior of the caffe.

'It says well for Milan that the Tedeschi can scrape up nothing better from the gutters than rascals the like of those for their service, quoth Agostino. 'Eh, Signor Conte? 'That enclosure about La Vittoria's name on the bills is correct, said the person addressed, in a low tone. He turned and indicated one who followed from the interior of the caffe.

There is in our book a head coloured in oils, the portrait of a German of the Fugger family, who was at that time one of the chief merchants in the Fondaco de' Tedeschi, which is an admirable work; together with other sketches and drawings made by him with the pen.

The second event of moment to which allusion may here be made was the great conflagration in the year 1504, when the Exchange of the German Merchants was burnt. This building, known as the Fondaco de' Tedeschi, occupying one of the finest sites on the Grand Canal, was rebuilt by order of the Signoria, and Giorgione received the commission to decorate the façade with frescoes.

The House itself was a symbolical sunflower constantly turning toward Royalty. Count Serabiglione mixed little with his countrymen, the statement might be inversed, but when, perchance, he was among them, he talked willingly of the Tedeschi, and voluntarily declared them to be gross, obstinate, offensive-bears, in short.