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It can be colored red with the juice of a boiled beet, or with the coral of a lobster, and is very nice as a dressing for raw tomatoes, cutting them in thick slices, and putting a little of it on each slice. Mayonnaise may be varied in many ways, sauce tartare being a favorite one.

The north-east part of equinoctial America, Terra Firma, and the banks of the Orinoco, resemble in respect to the numerous races of people who inhabit them, the defiles of the Caucasus, the mountains of Hindookho, at the northern extremity of Asia, beyond the Tungouses, and the Tartare settled at the mouth of the Lena.

The Lama takes his name from the Lamah, which is an object of profound veneration with his followers: "Cequi est remarquable," says M. Avril, "c'est que le grand prêtre des Tartares porte le nom de Lama, qui, en langue Tartare, désigne la Croix, et les Bogdoi qui conquirent la Chine en 1664, et qui sont soumis au Dulai-Lama dans les choses de la religion, ont toujours des croix sur eux, qu'ils appalent lamas."

The waiters reported that they objected to their breakfasts, and especially to the eggs. Eggs a la tripe, au gratin, a l'Aurore, a la Dauphine, a la Poulette, a la Tartare, a la Venitienne, a la Bordelaise, and so on, and so on. Still the two young gentlemen were not satisfied. The ex-Zouave, infuriated; wounded in his honor, disgraced as a professor, insisted on an explanation.

Norwegian sauce is preferred by many to Tartare for some purposes, and is made by adding freshly grated horseradish to mayonnaise in the proportion of two tablespoonfuls to half a pint. Tartare sauce is mayonnaise with the addition of mustard, chives, pickles, and tarragon, chopped.

And thus they rode nigh a quarter of a year, endlong and overthwart, in many places, forests and wilderness, and oft-times were evil lodged for his sake; and yet for all their labour and seeking could they never hear word of him. And wit you well these three knights were passing sorry. Then at the last Sir Bors and his fellows met with a knight that hight Sir Melion de Tartare.

Ce spectacle, que d'après sès préjugés monastiques, il croyoit imposant, et qui n'étoit que burlesque, ne produisit rien, pas même la risée du Tartare; et peu content sans doute d'un voyage très-inutile il revint en rendre compte au roi.

A Journey to the Steppe Region of the Southeast The Volga Town and Province of Samara Farther Eastward Appearance of the Villages Characteristic Incident Peasant Mendacity Explanation of the Phenomenon I Awake in Asia A Bashkir Aoul Diner la Tartare Kumyss A Bashkir Troubadour Honest Mehemet Zian Actual Economic Condition of the Bashkirs Throws Light on a Well-known Philosophical Theory Why a Pastoral Race Adopts Agriculture The Genuine Steppe The Kirghiz Letter from Genghis Khan The Kalmyks Nogai Tartars Struggle between Nomadic Hordes and Agricultural Colonists.