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I should have been sorry to see a big litter, for dear old Tara. And, anyhow, that last one, the grey, is about equal to any two I ever saw; an immense whelp; dog for sure, and a giant at that."

"You're not far out. You see" his eyes grew graver "I'm feeling ... Mother's share, too. Did you ever realise...?" "Partly. Not all till just now. Tara told me." There was a pause. Then Sir Nevil looked full at his son. "Roy I've got something to tell you to show you ... if you can detach your mind for an hour ?" "Why, of course. What is it where?" He looked round the room.

We pride ourselves, too, upon our physical beauty, and especially upon the beauty of our women. May I dare to say, Tara of Helium, that I am hoping for the day when you will visit Gathol that my people may see one who is really beautiful?"

Of course it was that other day of summer, in the far beginning of things; the day of the Golden Tusks and the gloom and the growling thunder; his legs, as now, in a fearful hurry of their own accord; and Tara waiting for him his High-Tower Princess. With a pang he recalled how she had seemed the point of safety because she was never afraid. No Tara waiting now.

For an instant the eyes of Tara of Helium blazed as she drew herself haughtily to her full height, and then they softened and her attitude relaxed as she shook her head sadly. "I have it not in my heart to reprimand you, Turan," she said, "however great your fault, for you have been an honorable and a loyal friend to Tara of Helium; but you must not say what my ears must not hear."

Aileach, in the far North, could never be to them what Tara had been. The charm of conservatism, the halo of ancient glory, could not be transferred. Whenever, therefore, ambitious and able Princes arose in the South, they found the border tribes rife for backing their pretensions against the Northern dynasty.

"Tara dear," he ventured, in a changed tone that halted between tenderness and appeal. "I'm going to say something tremendous." She deserted the daisy and faced him, blue eyes wide; her tell-tale lower lip drawn in. "Would it be quite so 'crazily utterly' if ... well, if we were engaged?" The tremendous word was out; and the effect on her was unmistakable. Colour stirred visibly in her face.

While she was seeking for a respectable Kaystha girl, Nagendra's letter came, describing Kunda Nandini's gifts and beauty. She resolved to give her to Tara Charan in marriage. Kunda arrived safely with Nagendra at Govindpur. At the sight of Nagendra's dwelling she became speechless with wonder, for she had never seen one so grand. There were three divisions without and three within.

"That could be Tom and Astro in that jet boat," said Roger softly to himself. "I guess I'd better stand by the power deck while we maneuver," said Shinny. "We wanta stay hidden until Loring and Mason get that thing ready." Roger nodded, and Shinny disappeared. Maneuvering cautiously, Roger brought the Space Devil around to the night side of Tara opposite to the landing site of the Polaris.

Fortunately, the weather was very favourable, and the two puppies taken from Tara soon picked up their lost ground when they were established with their foster, an active, cross-bred spaniel-retriever. But Finn in the coach-house knew nothing of all this.