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"That's how my celery will turn," said his father. "The grass grew pale from being in the dark so long. It did not like it, and if you left the stone there too long the grass would die. Now take it away and in a day or so the grass will be green again." And that's exactly what happened. The sun had tanned the grass green as it tans children brown at the seashore.

It's wonderful to me how your skin never tans nor freckles, child. You might be out in all weathers without its doing you harm." Mrs. Meadowsweet was seated in her arm-chair. In her hand she held a piece of knitting. She was making a quilt for Beatrice's bed.

MUZZLE Long, tapering, sharp and muscular, as little stop as possible between the eyes, so as to form nearly a line from the nose-end along the joint of skull to the occiput. The lips close fitting and without flew. EYES Should be small and well sunk in the head. The blues should have a dark eye, the blues and tans ditto, with amber shades; livers and sandies, a light brown eye.

"I'll joyfully labor, both night and day, To aid my unfortunate brothers; As a laundress tans her own face in the ray To cleanse the garments of others." It suggested a somewhat similar verse to my own mind. Why should not our washerwoman's work have its touch of poetry also?

Indoors there should be a cool little orderly dining-room, with blue china on its shelves, and a blue rug under the round table, and there should be a drawing-room papered in clean tans and curtained in cream colour, with an upright piano and comfortable chairs.

It ought naturally to be easier to breed a pure white dog from white parents than to breed correctly marked and well tanned puppies from perfect black and tans; but the efforts of many breeders do not seem to support such a theory in connection with the English Terrier, whose litters frequently show the blemish of a spot of brindle or russet.

Had this been the sum of his duties, he had been an admirable monarch. Lady after lady was impartially honoured by his attention. 'Madam, he said to one, 'how does this happen? I find you daily more adorable. 'And your Highness daily browner, replied the lady. 'We began equal; O, there I will be bold: we have both beautiful complexions. But while I study mine, your Highness tans himself.

The bay is more lovely than I anticipated, and I have discovered that Italian hair is not coal-black; it begins to be black at the roots, and evidently had every intention of being black when it started out, but it grew weary of so much energy, and ended in sundry shades of russet brown and sunburned tans.

It tans the liver, hardens the coats of the stomach, makes the brain feverishly active, rots the nerve-springs; all that is still true. Nevertheless I now drink it, and shall drink it; for of all the effects of Age none is more profound than this: that it leads men to the worship of some one spirit less erect than the Angels.

"Altogether we're mightily pleased with the whole arrangement," declared Jordan King, regarding Mrs. Burns with high approval. "Mother, did you ever see a more distinguished-looking pair?" "In spite of our brown faces?" Ellen challenged him gayly. "My wife's face simply turns peachy when she tans.