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Two mile to my plaace from here and two mile from here to Grimsey, mak's four mile. Nay, I heered nowt!" "Of course you wouldn't, Dave! The light shone in at my window and woke me up, and we were all there working with buckets to put it out!" "Wucking wi' boockets!" said Dave slowly as he stared in the direction of Tallington's farm. "Hey, but I wish I'd been theer!" "I wish you had, Dave!"

But there was no escape, for he knew that the pursuers would not turn backward, and he glanced helplessly at where he could see Tom Tallington's face in the farther of the other boats, and responded to his wave of the hand.

"Here, Hicky, don't! What do you mean?" cried Dick, whom the great fellow's grip punished. "Wittles," said the wheelwright, indulging in a broad grin. "Oh, nonsense! We're off home. Tom Tallington's going to have supper with me." "Nay, he's going to hev his supper here along o' uz," said Hickathrift. "Didn't I say, missus, I'd bring 'em home?"

Hey, bud if I could git one of 'em joost now by scruff of his neck and the seat of his breeches, I'd I'd I'd roast him." "Then it was no accident, Hickathrift?" "Yes, squire," said the man bitterly; "same sort o' axden as bont Farmer Tallington's stable and shed. Hah, here he is!" he added, as the farmer came panting up with Tom. "Come to waarm theesen, farmer? It's my turn now." "My lad!

Meadows, too, spread out around the Toft, and Farmer Tallington's home at Grimsey meads upon which pastured fine cattle; while in that part of the wide fen-land ague nearly died away.

"We'll come, Dave, never fear," said Dick, taking out his knife as he reached the ice, and cleaning the mud off his skates, for the ground was soft near the fire, though hard as iron everywhere else. "I don't fear, lads," said Dave smiling, and letting off his watchman-rattle laugh. "It's a bad job, but not so bad as Farmer Tallington's stables burning, or squire's beasts heving theer legs cooten.