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The attempt was hopeless, the public voice has lifted up against Hunt, and sentence of excommunication from the poets of England has been pronounced, enrolled, and ratified. There can be no radical distinction allowed between the private and public character of a poet. If a poet sympathizes with and justifies wickedness in his poetry, he is a wicked man.

All this he derived from the genial period, though later on somewhat modified, and carried it over into his whole life and poetry; and for this very reason he is not only together with Goethe, but before Goethe, the favorite poet of the nation, and especially with that part of the nation which sympathizes with him in the choice of poetic material and in his mode of feeling.

"I say I'm sorry to hear it." "Glad to know that somebody sympathizes with me. Well, drop in some time and we'll take a chaw of tobacco and spit the fire out." Nothing could have been more expressive of a welcome to Wash's house. To invite a man to sit until the fire was extinguished with the overflow of the quid was with him the topknot of courtesy.

Gwen saw the old face looking happier than she had seen it yet, and was glad to answer: "Yes I saw the tea 'stood ready' by your chair. All but the real sugar and milk. Dolly sits beside it on the floor all her leisure time I believe and dreams of bliss to come. Dave sympathizes at heart, but affects superiority. It's his manhood."

When she told some one of it people said, ``That wasn't a soldier! It was the devil you saw following her! One rather sympathizes with Helene in her protest against this testimony. From Ploermel, Auray, Lorient, and other places doctors and relatives of the dead came to bear witness to Helene's cooking and nursing activities, and to speak of the thefts she had been found committing.

A common term for an emaciated-looking man is to call him an "ecce homo," and a "grippe Jésus" is thieves' slang for a gendarme. The author of this dictionary evidently sympathizes with modern romanticists and light literature in general, for we find "académicien" defined as "littérateur suranné."

The surgeon who sensitively sympathizes with a man whose diseased or crushed limb it has fallen to his lot to remove, has lost a portion of his power and skill, and has become a poorer surgeon for his sympathy. Physicians themselves show that they understood this when a case for medical or surgical treatment occurs in their own families.

There is something in the impulse with which one sympathizes; though I am afraid the destroyers were not sufficiently aware of the mischief they did to enjoy it fully. Probably, too, the early Christians were impelled by religious zeal to destroy the pagan temples, before the happy thought occurred of converting them into churches. March 3d.

God is known, not by abstract definition, and by high-raised conceptions of the soul's aspiring hours, but known as a man knoweth his friend; he is known by the hourly wants he supplies; known by every care with which he momentarily sympathizes, every apprehension which he relieves, every temptation which he enables us to surmount.

The spectator sympathizes with the feelings of the agent; with the gratitude or anger of the person affected by the action; the person observed sympathizes in return with the imitative and judging feelings of the spectator.