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I suppose your mother's got work and trouble enough; I'll manage." "I'll send her round, anyway; she's a bit rough, but she's got a soft gizzard; an' there's nothin' she enjoys better than fixin' up a body. Good-bye, mum." "Good-bye, my child." He paused at the door, and said: "I'm sorry, mum. Swelp me God! I'm sorry. S'long, an' thank yer."

And by the front door sat an old man in a Windsor chair, with a brown spaniel at his feet and a bird in a wicker cage above his head, and he was nodding, for it was a hot day, and he was an old man and tired. "Swelp me, I can't do it!" whispered Beale. "I'll walk on a bit. You just arst for a drink, and sort of see 'ow the land lays. It might turn 'im up seeing me so sudden. Good old dad!"

Man-di-sling-lo-he!" "Donder und blitzen!" retorted the Dutchman, striding toward the escort, which scattered at his approach. "Yomp off dem olt crocks, every man yack of you, und swelp mine Gott! I weel ponch der het of der vive of you altogedder mit, ef so moch der yudge seegs mons pot me into der yail bot!"

Nice sort o' bloke you are! Arter creatin' abaht ole Bill makin' you miserable, you goes on to plan 'ow you'll make other folks miserable! Wot's the bleedin' good o' that? Keep smilin', I sez, an' keep other folks smilin' too, if you can. If ever I gets 'ome I'll go dahn on my bended, I will, and I'll be a different sort o' bloke to wot I been afore. Swelp me, Bob, I will!

The torch blotted out the man who held it, and turned everything the night, the woods, the storm mutters into just that one hypnotizing ball of fire suspended in the darkness. "Well, well," gasped the unknown, "a moll, swelp me! Welcome to our roost, 'bo! You hit it right. This is Hoboes' Home. There's nine 'boes of us got a shack up ahead. Welcome, ma'am. What's your line?

He had to lie on his young stomach to do this. The tramp was really quite polite one of Nature's gentlemen, and a man as well, we found out afterwards. He said 'Here's to you! before he drank. Then he drained the glass till the rim rested on his nose. 'Swelp me, but I WAS dry, he said. 'Don't seem to matter much what it is, this weather, do it? so long as it's suthink wet.