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"Nate," said Birt, at last, speaking with that subacute conviction, so strong yet so ill-defined, which vividly warns the ill-judged and yet cannot stop the tongue constrained by its own folly, "what d'ye s'pose I fund in the woods yestiddy?" The two small eyes, set close together, seemed merged in one, so concentrated was their gaze. Again their expression struck Birt's attention.

In the last stage, these exudates undergo liquefaction and are absorbed, or expelled by coughing, in from seven days to two weeks, depending on the extent of the inflammation and the general condition of the animal. In the subacute form the symptoms are mild and may subside within a week. Sometimes abscesses form in the lung.

If this is impossible, poulticing the feet or standing the animal in moist clay will help in relieving the soreness. Excessive cutting away of the horny sole is contra-indicated. Suppurative corns should be given proper drainage and treatment. LAMINITIS, "FOUNDER." This is an inflammation of the sensitive or vascular stricture of the foot. The inflammation may be acute, subacute or chronic.

Acute, subacute and chronic tonsillitis accompanied by enlargement and cheesy decay of the tonsils means that these glands have been habitually congested with morbid matter and poisons, that they have had more work to do than they could properly attend to. "These glandular structures constitute a valuable part of the drainage system of the organism.

The period of incubation may be from a few to many days. The symptoms may be acute or chronic in nature. The acute form pursues a rapid course. It is frequently seen in mules and asses, and it may develop from the subacute or chronic form in horses. When the disease is acute, the animal has a fever, is stupid, does not eat, and may have a diarrhoea.

Its intermediate host can be any one of a hundred cold-blooded animals." "Is there no place else where it can be attacked?" "Sure, in the body of the final host, or on its final encysting place. But that won't eliminate the bug." "Why not?" "It'll still survive in its infective form and enough Lani will get subacute dosage to propagate it until the time is right for another epizootic.

It would perhaps be better to consider a slow-going inflammatory process subsequent to acute endocarditis as a subacute endocarditis; and an infective process may persist in the endocardium, especially in the region of the valves, for many weeks or perhaps months, with some fever, occasional chills, gradually increasing valvular lesions and more or less general debility and systemic symptoms.

Such a subacute endocarditis may develop insidiously on a previously presumably healed endocardial lesion and cause symptoms which would not be associated with the heart, if an examination were not made.

It is very advisable in order to confirm the diagnosis to make a bacteriological examination of the tissues. The acute form of the disease is very fatal. Animals that have the subacute form usually recover. The death-rate is between five and fifteen per cent of the herd. The mortality is heavier than this unless prompt preventive measures are taken.

Far otherwise is it with chronic diseases of the tonsils: they may be riddled with small cysts, they may be constantly in a condition of subacute inflammation dependent on a septic condition, but no notice is taken except when chill, constipation, or a general run-down state of health aggravates the chronic into a temporary acute trouble.