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If this is impossible, poulticing the feet or standing the animal in moist clay will help in relieving the soreness. Excessive cutting away of the horny sole is contra-indicated. Suppurative corns should be given proper drainage and treatment. LAMINITIS, "FOUNDER." This is an inflammation of the sensitive or vascular stricture of the foot. The inflammation may be acute, subacute or chronic.

But at your age, my boy, those waters are contra-indicated.... Good night to you, neighbours," he added, moving away from us with that evasive abruptness to which we were accustomed; and then, turning towards us, with a physicianly finger raised in warning, he resumed the consultation: "No Balbec before you are fifty!" he called out to me, "and even then it must depend on the state of the heart."

Before the administration the patient must be overhauled; its administration is contra-indicated in the presence of disease of the heart and blood vessels, especially a combination of syphilitic aortitis and sclerosis of the coronary arteries, with degeneration of the heart muscle; in affections of the central nervous system, especially advanced paralysis, and in such disturbances of metabolism as are associated with diabetes and Bright's disease.

Its use is not contra-indicated in any lesion of active syphilis. The administration is controlled by the systematic examination of the urine for arsenic. The Administration of Mercury. The success of the arsenical preparations has diminished the importance of mercury in the treatment of syphilis, but it is still used to supplement the effect of the injections.

Its removal by operation is usually contra-indicated, but we have known of cases terminating fatally in which the section revealed only one metastasis, the removal of which would have benefited the patient. In all of these conditions, examination of the bones with the X-rays gives valuable information and often disclose unsuspected metastases.

Should the raw surface left be likely to result in an unsightly scar or in cicatricial contraction, skin-grafting should be employed. For extensive ulcers on the limbs, the chest wall, or on other covered parts, or when operative treatment is contra-indicated, the use of tuberculin and exposure to the Röntgen rays have proved beneficial.

The vinegar may be replaced in salad-dressings by lemon juice. Tomatoes, rhubarb, strawberries and grapefruit are contra-indicated; also all articles of food rich in sugar. In chronic cases animal food cannot, as a rule, be excluded from the dietary, but must be limited in quantity. Fish, eggs, and fowl may be eaten, also a moderate amount of lean meat in the form of beef, lamb, and mutton.