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Nino is everything the most straight-laced father could wish him to be, and as he was then within a few months of making his first appearance on the stage, De Pretis, who understands those things, could very well foresee the success he has had.

"Come," he said, "be friends, Janetta. I assure you I don't mean any harm. You must not be straight-laced. Your pretty friend is no doubt well able to take care of herself." But he looked down as he said this and knitted his brows. "She has never had occasion to do it," said Janetta, epigrammatically. "Then don't you think it is time she learns?" "You have no right to be her teacher."

This man was perhaps the best natured man among the crew; at any rate, he treated me better than the rest did; and for that reason he deserves some mention. Max was an old bachelor of a sailor, very precise about his wardrobe, and prided himself greatly upon his seamanship, and entertained some straight-laced, old-fashioned notions about the duties of boys at sea.

I thought you were a straight-laced chapel goer. What have you to do with saints and their days?" "I was told that one once, sir, and I can't help remembering it. You see the date is February 5th, and that's my eldest youngster's birthday." Sheriff swore. "I wish you'd drop that sort of sentimental bosh, Skipper; especially now.

Perhaps it was his weakness to be afraid of seeming straight-laced, and turning himself into a sort of diagram instead of a growth which can exercise the guiding attraction of fellowship. That he made a decidedly winning impression on the company was proved by their showing themselves no less at ease than before, and desirous of quickly resuming their interrupted talk.

Schuyler, she knew that song's well as I did, and she picked it up where I left off and hummed it straight to the end words and music! How'd she know it, I say?" "Why, she might have picked that up anywhere. She goes to see friends, I've no doubt, who are not so straight-laced as the Schuylers, and they play light tunes for her." "Not likely.

The heating and boiling of the flip with the red hot "loggerhead" hardly came under the head of "unnecessary Sabbath cooking" even in the minds of the most straight-laced descendants of the Puritans.

The Prince and Princess Colonna and the Princess Lucretia were also paying a visit to the Marquess; and the frequency of these visits made some straight-laced magnificoes mysteriously declare it was impossible to go to Coningsby; but as they were not asked, it did not much signify.

Poor Meta was so delighted! You can fancy her chagrin when he devoted himself all the time to Prissie." "He thought he'd meet Maggie Oliphant," said Annie Day; "it was a shame to lure him on with a falsehood. I don't wonder at people not respecting the Elliot-Smiths." "My dear," responded Rosalind, "Meta did not tell a lie. I never could have guessed that you were straight-laced, Annie."

It was not that she was straight-laced. She was too near the heart of humanity through her daily toil to be other than a generous judge; but she was also a creature of ideals for herself and for those who would be among her best friends; and she would have known unerringly that no great, consuming love had drowned his reason and filled his senses.