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"There would be no difficulty about that," interposed Mr Stormcock; "you could tell him the commander gave it to you, for you said just now he was the cause of all the row, you know." This made us both laugh, and dinner being now ready, Ned Anstruther and I went into the gunroom together as soon as I had completed my interrupted toilet.

"Werry sorry, sir, but there ain't no milk," replied Dobbs, still more apologetically, at this further demand which he was unable to supply, as if he grieved from his inmost heart thereat. "Mr Jones 'as 'ad the werry last drop, sir." "We'll send ashore for a cow for you, Master Impudence," put in Mr Stormcock, ironically, before Tom could say anything.

"Yes; no doubt you're right, Stormcock," said "Joe" in answer to this, squinting as he spoke over the side to the westward, where a heavy bank of cloud was rising up and nearly blotting out now the sun as it sank lower and lower towards the horizon. "It does look squally, certainly; still, I can't see the use of anticipating the worst and trying to meet troubles half-way, as you do, old chap!"

Just then, the boatswain's call was heard ringing through the ship, and the drummers began beating to quarters, which made us all jump up. "By jingo, I wonder what's in the wind now!" exclaimed Mr Stormcock, making a grab at his sword-belt, which he had unfastened for comfort after his breakfast, laying it alongside him on the locker while taking his snooze.

That was, not to judge by appearances and form hasty conclusions as to the character of my messmates; as, up to the moment of his coming thus to my aid, I had always considered Mr Stormcock an ill-tempered and soured man whereas I now saw he was at bottom a good-natured fellow and one ready enough to help another when opportunity offered!