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As such he inspired confidence, not caring for things unless he saw some immediate benefit to be had from them, having a perfect sense of decency, and a small imagination. He discussed all sorts of things with Ferrand; on one occasion Shelton overheard them arguing on anarchism.

Nora told it. "You are Irish, Mrs. Hartrick tells me." "Yes, Miss Flowers, I have lived all my life in Ireland." "I must find out what sort of instruction you have had. Have you ever been at school before?" "Never." "How old are you?" "Sixteen, Miss Flowers." "What things have you been taught?" "English subjects of different sorts," replied Nora.

She called her father all sorts of names, such as "an old granny an old fidget," and finished up her list with what she thought the most odious appellation of all, "an old maid." In the midst of her tirade the door bell rang. It was the boy from Miss Carson's, and he brought the party dresses.

They went toward the middle of the island, where they dug for a considerable time, after which they lifted up a trapdoor. They returned again to the vessel, and unloaded several sorts of provisions and furniture, which they carried to the place where they had been digging; they then descended into a subterranean dwelling.

I am still a student, and most of my time has been spent in studies of various sorts; the languages ancient and modern attracting me a great deal, but the German and the French the most. I do not "burn the midnight oil," and yet I think I am progressing well. Our teachers are all very approachable men and really seem in dead earnest.

Next to the minister, he was considered the most learned man in the community, and the Cameron milkstand was a sort of high-class club, where only the serious-minded were admitted, and where one heard all sorts of profound subjects discussed, such as astronomy and the destiny of the British Empire. To-night the club was to assemble for a special purpose.

I have heard that upwards of one hundred different sorts of dates grow in the immediate neighbourhood of the town; the author of the description of Medina mentions one hundred and thirty.

Generally, if men make friends with schoolboys in a country house it is at the loss of their dignitythey run the risk of having to swallow all sorts of practical jokes, such as getting water thrown on their head and salt put into their tea; but he never compromised himself, and they always behaved to him with respect, but were quite impatient if he wouldn't come with them everywhere.

George Brudenell, having passed a restless and troubled evening, passed also a restless and dream-haunted night, coming down to breakfast the next morning jaded and out of sorts. He could not for a moment dismiss from his memory that interview in the garden last night, or explain to himself the meaning of Alexia Boucheafen's extraordinary conduct. What was he to understand from it?

But there were all sorts of extremes in this strange land; for at the next place they came to, perhaps, they found a population of Negroes and Indians, and most of the grown-up people were half naked, while all the children were entirely so. At one plantation, where they resolved to spend a few days, the owner had a pond which was much frequented by alligators.