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"Iuch solt' iur wirt erbarmet han, An dem Got wunder hat getan, Und het gevraget siner not, Ir lebet, und sit an saelden tot." "Do der trurege vischaere Saz ane froude und ane trost War umb' iren niht siufzens hat erlost."

But, for our consolation, in that same huge collection of Von der Hagen's Minnesingers, stand the following six lines, addressed to the Saviour, if tradition is correct, by a knightly monk, Bruder Wernher von der Tegernsee: " bist mîn, ih bin dîn; Des solt gewis sîn. bist beslozzen In mînem herzen; Verlorn ist daz sluzzelîn: muost immer drinne sîn."

Asie beat a retreat, growling down the stairs in highly revolutionary language; she spoke of the guillotine! "What have you said to her?" asked the Madonna a la broderie, "for she is a good soul." "She hafe solt you, she hafe robbed you " "When we are beggared," said she, in a tone to rend the heart of a diplomate, "who has ever any money or consideration for us?"

"I coomes, as I tell ye, to see if vatches might be solt, und not for der gubbernor; I neffer might see der mans." As all this was true, my conscience felt pretty easy on the score of whatever there might be equivocal about it. "What folks think of Injin down below, eh? what folks say of anti-rent, eh? hear him talk about much?"

"I didn't answer his question directly, but I said, 'Now, look here, Brother Mondheimer, suppose a man were to come into your store and want to buy a good suit of clothes. How much profit would you make? "'Aboud fife tollars, said he. "'Well, how long would you, yourself, spend on that man, trying to make a sale with him? "'Vell, I vood nod led him go until I solt him, said he.

Tillie wondered whether their evident ill-humor were in any way connected with herself, or whether her Aunty Em's surmise were correct, and Sister Jennie was really "spited." "I've come to get two pound of mush," she said, remembering her errand. "It's all," Mrs. Hershey returned. "We solt every cake at market, and no more's made yet. It was all a'ready till market was only half over."

"As he came up to me in the train where I was sitting with a friend, I said, 'Well, I sold a bill. "'Who bought of you? "'The clothing man here. "'Vell, dot's de feller, said Henry, 'dot told me he vas going to haf von day in de year for his family. And you solt him? Vell, how did you do id? "I briefly told Henry of my experience. "'Vell, dot vas goot, said he.

They rushed away at lightning speed, some along the smooth sand beach, while others rose right up into the air, and on loud whirring wings flew off into the forest. "Now!" said Saloo, with joy gleaming in his dark, Oriental eyes. "Now we getee pay for patient waitee we hab egg better than dulion belly bess solt of egg malee."

"Choseph vas solt by his broders for dat he was so comely. Dat is so in de Biple. An' in de Eastern lants men buy deir wifes." On arriving at the Rue Taitbout, Esther could not return to the scene of her happiness without some pain. She remained sitting on a couch, motionless, drying away her tears one by one, and never hearing a word of the crazy speeches poured out by the banker.