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I am sorry for your plight. I am sorry for anyone in the clutches of Slick-heels Saul." "But . Can you ?" "It does not matter. Your extremity is greater than mine." He stood looking after the slim girl who carried her head so high. "How like a Kentucky Laughton. Thoroughbred stock, all!" He tossed the bag in his hand. "'Tis why they are where they are today." Then his keen old eyes softened.

This, then, is what happened at a golden fiesta during the week of races: "Sweet Lady, are all my importunities to be in vain?" "I must confess that I can not bring my mind to a decision, Mr. Saul," answered Mistress Patty Laughton, blushing and curtsying prettily. "It is surely not for your lack of worldly goods that you hesitate," persisted Slick-heels Saul.

"Begging will get you nothing better than a good drubbing, you filthy cattle lout! If you don't pay up your bets, we'll take it out of your hide. I, for one, have a special use for my money at the week's end." It was Slick-heels Saul. Patty turned aside, sick at heart. This was the creature in whose power she was "like to fall."

Please take me home. All the people staring. I cannot bear it long." But when Slick-heels Saul pressed forward to her side at the boarding-house steps, she was as stately and cold as the snow-hooded rocks of Granite Mountain. "I have lost everything, but still I hold you to your promise." "I made no promise, sir," she said haughtily. "'But you will," he answered meaningly, "tomorrow."

Why, there ain't been a Chinaman drilled with a bullet decent an' clean for weeks!" "They're leading out the horses! Where did that little nigger jockey come from? The mare's got more ginger today." "Eric, surely your horse can win!" "I don't know, dear." "He must! He must, or " "Slick-heels Saul's face is turnin' the color of me native isle," chuckled Irish Mike.

"Yes," said Eric, briefly. "Ah. So." Mike's shrewd gave slid from the young man's face. "They do say that Slick-heels Saul is beginnin' to worry over the $20,000 he's staked.

What he must have won! Here comes Mike. In a hurry, too! I wonder " Slick-heels Saul was bowing before the girl. "'Bread cast upon the waters of sweet charity shall be returned an hundred fold. Blessed are the pure in heart for they are of the children of God, he has written. Why, it is money!" gasped Patty, "and such a large amount!" "He had me put up ye'r little bag o' gold on his mare.