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'I'll not believe one word of it, exclaimed the old gentleman. Mr Brass looked mildly round upon them, and rejoined, 'Mr Witherden, sir, YOUR words are actionable, and if I was a man of low and mean standing, who couldn't afford to be slandered, I should proceed for damages. Hows'ever, sir, being what I am, I merely scorn such expressions.

But he was a gentleman, and these were the days when men did not revenge themselves on women who frankly rejected the attentions they had never encouraged. It was weak, she knew it, to even remember the words he had said to her when she had refused to hear the man she was to marry slandered by his chum still she wished now that she had told Jack, all the same. If she could only have a light!

For this hope some of us are bound in chains, others are lashed with scourges, others are carried about as laughing-stocks, others are outlawed, others are cruelly tortured, others escape by flight; but we are all reduced to extreme perplexities, execrated with dreadful curses, cruelly slandered and treated with the greatest indignities.

I was in good spirits this evening, I talked with my aunt, and complained of M A . She answered that M A was a girl of the street, a worthless creature. I declared that she deserved every punishment for having, without knowing me, from mere gossip, formed a bad opinion of me and basely slandered me.

"Yes," I replied, "for it carries with it no consolation: a buried friend may be replaced a lost mistress renewed a slandered character be recovered even a broken constitution restored; but a dinner, once lost, is irremediable; that day is for ever departed; an appetite once thrown away can never, till the cruel prolixity of the gastric agents is over, be regained.

She was bold, though not to the degree of audacity; ambitious, and desirous to raise her house and family; and was, as has been said, a considerable spur to my grandfather, who was otherwise an indolent man; but whom, unless he has been slandered, his lady's influence involved in some political matters which had been more wisely let alone.

"Set your heart on him as much as you please," returned Edward, "so long as you do not set your person on him." "In England," ventured, the respectful Tredway, "young ladies generally prefer a more trustworthy animal." "Well, when we go to England," responded Rose, casting her arms around the neck of her slandered steed, "we'll do as the English do won't we Flip, dear?

The old schoolmen were fond of quoting Buridan's Ass, that famous Donkey who, when placed between two bundles of hay, starved to death because he was unable to decide in favour of either by breaking the equilibrium between two equal but opposite attractions. They slandered the worthy animal.

"Yes, it is like that, Lord Robert Ure, because the woman who is slandered in that letter is as innocent as your own wife, and ten thousand times as pure as those who are your constant company." Lord Robert's angular and ugly face glistened with a hateful smile. "Innocent!" he cried hoarsely, and then he laughed out aloud. "Go on! It's rippin' to hear you, dear boy! Innocent, by God!

Think of my name, that has been so often slandered but never disgraced! Say that you are sorry, and it shall be forgotten. When a man has kissed a woman it goes against the grain with him to say the very next moment that he is sorry for what he has done. It is as much as to declare that the kiss had not answered his expectation.