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But it wuz never known Miss Charnick is a smart woman. It never wuz known what she had in the bag. Wall, the believers struck up a him, and sung it through as mournful, skairful sort of a him as I ever hearn in my hull life; and it swelled out and riz up over the pine trees in a wailin', melancholy sort of a way, and wierd dretful wierd.

Says I, in the deep, solemn tones befitting the threat, for I wuzn't the woman to cheat Dorlesky when she was out of sight, and use the wrong tones at the wrong times no, I used my deepest and most skairful one says I, "Dorlesky told me to tell you that if you didn't do her errent, you should not be the next President of the United States." He turned pale. He looked agitated, fearful agitated.

He yells at 'em enough to raise the ruff. His threshin' machine is one of the kind where the horses walk up and look over the top. It is kinder skairful any way, and it made it as bad agin when you expected to see the horse fall out every minute. Wall, that very horse fell out of the machine three times that day. It wuz a sick horse, I believe, and hadn't ort to have been worked.

She faced danger, and died a hundred deaths in the thought of the danger to them she loved. I see the very splinters that the cruel shells and cannon balls split and tore right over her head. Good honorable splinters and not skairful to look at today, but hard, and piercin', and harrowin' through them days and nights.

And I sez: "No, dear lamb; what is it sayin'?" It has sounded dretful, kinder wild and skairful to me, and so it had to Josiah, I knew by the sithes he had gin. Sez Tommy, it sez: "Don't be afraid my little child, God will take care of you all the while." And I sez, "Thank you, Tommy, you've done me good."

Why, there wuz one dog there that wuz worth three thousand and seven hundred dollars; it is the biggest dog in the world. But I told Josiah that I wouldn't gin a cent for it if I had got to have it round; it wuz so big that it wuz fairly skairful. Why it weighed about two hundred and fifty pounds. It wuz a St.

And the end of the article wuz so sort of tragick and skairful that Josiah wept when he read it. He pictured it out in such strong colors, the danger there wuz of puttin' wimmen, or allowin' her to put herself in such a high and percipitous place, such a skairful and dangerous posture as settin' up on a Conference.

When all of a sudden I hearn these strange and skairful words comin' like a sharp shower of hail from a clear June sky: "Malviny is goin' to freeze to-night!" There wuz a skairful axent on the word "freeze" that seemed to bring all of Malviny's sufferin's right in front of me.

She wuz, take it all in all, a hard sight, and skairful. The other one wuzn't no more like her in looks than a soft fat young cabbage head is like the sharp bean pole that it grows up by the side on, in the same garden. She wuz soft in her complexion, her lips, her cheeks, her hands, and as I mistrusted at that first minute, and found out afterwards, soft in her head too.

But I did contend for it to the last, that I didn't believe a rostrum would be any more tottlin' and skairful a place than the barell I had been a-standin' on all day, nor the work I'd do on it any harder than the scrapin' of the ceilin' of that meetin house. And I don't believe it would, I stand jest as firm on it to-day as I did then.