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"Yes," sez Josiah, turnin' paler than ever, for the man's looks wuz skairful in the extreme. "Oh! oh!" groaned the man. "And you are a married man?" he groaned out mournfully, a lookin' pitifully at him. "With a family?" "Yes," sez Josiah, faintly. "Oh dear," sez the man, "must it be so, to die, so so lamented?" "To die!" sez Josiah, turnin' white jest round the lip. "Yes, to die!

And I sez, "I don't believe that is such a awful hard job to tackle." "Yes, indeed, it is," sez Josiah in his most skairful axent, "yes, it is." And he shook his head meenin'ly and impressively, and looked at me and Submit in as mysterius and strange a way, es I have ever been looked at in my life, and I have had dretful curius looks cast onto me, from first to last.

She quailed, and I sez, "I am one that is goin' to take good long breaths to the very last." She see I wuz like iron aginst the idee of bein' drawed in, and tapered, and she desisted. I s'pose I did look skairful. But she seemed still to cling to the idee of low necks and trains, and she sez sort a rebukingly: "You ortn't to go to Saratoga if you haint willin' to do as the rest do.

I have come out alive, out of all your other plans and progects, and I hain't a goin' to be killed now at my age, by you as a doctor." My tone wus so powerful, and even skairful, that he gin up the idee, and wound up the clock, and went to bed. Cicely wus some better the next day.

His threshin' machine is one of the kind where the horses walk up and look over the top. It is kinder skairful any way, and it made it as bad agin when you expected to see the horse fall out every minute. Wall, that very horse fell out of the machine three times that day. It wuz a sick horse, I believe, and hadn't ort to have been worked.

But I shall always believe that she wuz put up to it by the Tarquin boys. I never liked 'em they wuzn't likely. But the picter is a sight dretful big and skairful. And in that section is a beautiful picter by Fritz Uhele, whose figgers, folks say, are the best in the world. "The Angels Appearing to the Shepherds." Oh, what glowin' faces the angels had!

Or did you speak of changin' the unalterable laws of the United States tampering with the Constitution?" "Yes, that is what I said. Hain't they never been changed?" He dropped that skairful look and put on a firm judicial one. He see that he could not skair me to death; an' sez he, "Oh, yes, they've been changed in cases of necessity."

She see me, but she didn't stop her cryin', and the faces she wuz a-makin' wuz pitiful in the extreme, and skairful to anybody that hadn't seen 'em so much as I had. She wuz half bent, which made her cotton-flannel infirmity harder to witness. The camel wuz a-swayin' fearful from side to side, and a-lurchin' forwards and a lurchin' backwards at a dangerous rate.

But it wuz never known Miss Charnick is a smart woman. It never wuz known what she had in the bag. Wall, the believers struck up a him, and sung it through as mournful, skairful sort of a him as I ever hearn in my hull life; and it swelled out and riz up over the pine trees in a wailin', melancholy sort of a way, and wierd dretful wierd.

But it wuz fairly skairful to see it a-steamin' and a-blowin' right along the streets of Jonesville without the sign of a horse or ox or anything nigh it to draw it. A-puffin' out the steam, and a-tearin' right along, that awful lookin' that it skairt she that wuz Celestine Bobbet most into fits.