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Concorda el dia d'esta cara con veynte dias de Março del anno de mil y quiniento y ochenta y siete, lo qual yo Abdel Rahman el Catan, interprete per su Magestad saquè, y Romançe de verbo ad verbum, como en el se contiene, y en Fee dello firmo de my nombre, fecho vt supra. Abdel Rahman el Catan. The same in English.

Housed I have been here, that is, under a roof, these two months, making a shift with an upper quarter; such a one, indeed, as the Duke of St. German contained himself and family in; but a house I never had till this morning, then I had delivered into my possession the Casa de las siete Chimeneas.

Further down at the lower end of the Rambla you would come upon the dancing halls and supper-cafés, with separate rooms for the national gambling game, "Siete y Media," but they had their own clientele amongst the bloods and the merchant captains from the harbour. The populace of Barcelona walked the Rambla under the great globes of electric light.

"What a fool was I to think that I could still wear a conscience!" muttered Calderon, with a sneering lip; "but, Uzeda, I will baffle thee yet." The next morning, the Marquis de Siete Iglesias presented himself at the levee of the prince of Spain. Around the favourite, as his proud stature towered above the rest, flocked the obsequious grandees.

I felt confirmed in my opinion that they had no intention of doing so. Arrived at the foot of the fortress wall, the foremost of the people began calling out to the soldiers, "Abbasso l'Austria! Siete per Italia o per l'Austria?" I did not and it is significant hear any cries of "Abbasso il Gran Duca!"

We had not eaten a dozen mouthfuls when we say a man running down the hill with a branch in each hand. As soon as he appeared, a number of the Mexicans left their occupations and hurried to meet him. "Siete horas!" shouted the man. "Seven hours, and no more!" "No more than seven hours!" echoed the Tzapotecans, in tones of the wildest terror and alarm. "La Santissima nos guarde!

On Saturday, the 16th of August, we came to the house of Siete Chimeneas, which his Majesty gave us to dwell in, having been the house where the Venetian Ambassador dwelt, and who went out for our accommodation by the King's command. We settled now our family and tables in order: our own consisted of two courses, of eight dishes each, and the steward's of four.

However, amidst all the prisoner's efforts to elude a systematic examination, Raoul had recognized his natural accent. "Non siete Spagnuolo," he said; "non siete Tedesco; siete Italiano." The prisoner started and bit his lips. "Ah, that," said the prince, "I understand that language thoroughly; and since he is Italian I will myself continue the examination.

And strange to say, the Greeks themselves do not attempt to disturb this general unanimity of opinion by an dissent on their part. “E dunque no siete traditore?” “Possibile, signor, ma almeno Io no sono Greco.” Not even the diplomatic representatives of the Hellenic kingdom are free from the habit of depreciating their brethren.

"SIETE ITALIANO?" said I. "SI, SIGNOR," was his reply. I said it was unusually far north to find one of his compatriots; at which he shrugged his shoulders, and replied that a man would go anywhere to find work.